Chapter 10

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"I like you." I laugh a little nervously, "Um, yeah. I can -uh see that." He laughs a little before getting serious again," I know you're really into Jon and you don't have to answer now. I just couldn't wait to tell you." My eyes are still giant as I try to pull myself together. I told myself I didn't like him. I thought I had everything figured it out. What was I thinking?!? You can't make this type of decision like that! " I need some time to figure things out. Me and Jon - I didn't know that you- umm."  As if on cue, the sky goes dark, " I think it 's about time to leave. He nods awkwardly and I stand up to leave. He gets up and follows me to the car before hopping in the front seat. I take off my shoes and curl up against the window as I hear the car start.

We're here.", Chris gently shakes me and my stomach drops as I see my house. "Uh, thanks. See you later.", I wave him goodbye and walk into my house and to my room. I take another relaxing shower and flop into my bed. I think over what I am going to do and make my decision. I like Chris and I won't deny it anymore. I know I thought Jon was perfect for me but the way I feel around Chris is something I can't explain. I never want to be without it and I'm happiest when I'm with him. I like Jon but I like Chris more. I have to tell him. But how?

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