✝ I N T R O D U C T I O N ✝

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Woods of New Hampshire

Awakening to an empty room, I sought this an opportune time to getaway. Using the thin, sharp and metal nail that I had stashed in my hair, I unlocked the chains that bound my hands and my feet.

I made sure not to make much noise, knowing he'd be listening. I checked the hallway before stepping lightly on the hardwood flooring. I was barefoot, but getting a splinter was the least of my worries.

Finally approaching the door, I placed a soft hand on the knob and twisted it slowly. There was a low creak that made me hold my breath. I was shaking uncontrollably while sweat beads cascaded down my forehead.

My heart skipped several beats as I was finally able to get through the door. My left barefoot hit the dry and dead leaves that had fallen. After realizing I was finally free, I took off like a bat out of hell. My hair bounced behind me as my feet picked up the past with each step.

I could hear my heart beating in my ears, but throbbing through my throat. I was in immense pain. My legs were wobbly, my hands were bruised and my head hurt. But I used this as my motivation to keep going, past the tallest trees and the dirtiest ponds. The grey, eerie sky was my only source of light, as I continued my marathon. I felt like I was close, when I saw a light.

"Hello...?!" I yelled.

There was no answer, so I kept running, until I got to it. Coming to a slow stop, I inspected it and the area around me. Then I collapsed to the hard, cold ground. I wanted to scream, but my throat was too dry. I wanted to cry but I doubt I had any tears left. All my high hopes fell from the height of the Grand Canyon and hit the ground with an echoing thud.

I was back where I started.

The torment of feeling so close to freedom, so close to being back with my daughter. It literally ate away at me, killing me before he could. I don't even remember the last time I saw her, and I probably never will. But I promised myself, I wouldn't give up, no matter-


I screamed, my voice dry and raspy. I don't even remember the last time I had a drink of water. He somehow managed to catch me, which was always a mystery to me. In all my attempts to escape, he always managed to catch me. I hated, even loathed, him for it. If I was strong enough, I would've bit his hand, but all I could do was flail my arms and try to swat at him. His grip on my hair got stronger, as he dragged my tired body back to the same, rundown shack he called home. I was dragged up the steps and back into the same room I ran away from.

His red eyes made my skin crawl and the hair on the back of my neck stand up. The cross that was embedded on his forehead got darker everyday. His sharp claws dug into my shoulder blades, as he forcibly sat me on an old wooden table. He laid me on my back, tying me up with dry and tight rope. I begged and pleaded for the umpteenth time for him to stop and let me go. Each time he ignored me. I really don't know how my life ended up like this.

"Why are you doing this to me...?" I cried. Hot tears poured out my eyes and onto my tattered, dirty shirt. He stood over me, not saying anything. After I was bound tight, he walked over to the same table I knew oh too well. He fiddled with the tools on the top shelf before walking back over with pliers and a sharp knife. I bursted into tears, violently shaking. He had no mercy as he walked closer.

He ripped my shirt, showing the semi deep cuts on my chest. I tried to wiggle my arms and legs, but the rope only got tighter. By now, my eyes burned from the salty, dry tears on my dirty face. I longed and dreamed of seeing my home, at least just a glimpse.

"Just kill me......" I cried out, dryly.

The pliers he held that were inches from my mouth, were suspended in the air. His red eyes pierced through my aching soul. I could cringe at him, but in some deranged, fucked up way I couldn't help but gaze back into his eyes. There was a weird remote attraction to this satanic practice.

He dropped his weapon to the floor, creating a loud thud. Sweat glistened his arms, chest and face. The poorly lit room barely showed his face, but the light casting a shadow from the window on his face, showed an expression I've never seen. His eyes were dropped low, as he looked down on me softly. I was at a lost for words, while we shared a sincere look.

I opened my mouth to speak, but only a weak squeal passed through my throat. I guess he didn't like that because he shot daggers my way, like I broke his concentration. I soon regretted what I did, as he used the knife to untie me and throw me over his shoulder like I was a rag doll.

I was terrified; I didn't know where he was taking me and why. But we were headed for a part of the shack I never saw. I was scared as he descended into a cellar. It was lit only by candles, but the room itself was empty. If I had the strength, I would try and move around a bit, but before I could even try, he laid me on the hard, dirty floor. I felt my arms being tied again, and I groaned lowly in pain. After a while, I sensed he was gone and I shook uncontrollably.

How did my life get to this point? Why didn't I just leave like we planned? Why won't someone save me from this torture?

Okay, new short story. It is a Royce story, and this is my first. Just a couple warnings/annoucements:

1) I know that Mindless Behavior isn't gay, nor am I calling them gay. So don't be in my comments getting all in ya feelings. It's not even that serious.

2) This story will be very graphic and detailed. I will not hold back on descriptions, for example.

"I shrieked and groaned in pain, as his monstrous dick penetrated my virgin hole."

3) Even though I already know how I want this story to go, I will base it off your comments.


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