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Cabin - A Few Months Later

There was hardly a bathroom. What was once a lavish home, with several rooms and a kitchen, was now a shack with three rooms. A bedroom, the open space and a bathroom sized area with a broken mirror and toilet. I only used it if I had to go while he was inside. But I preferred to wait until he fell asleep to do my business outside.

The only reason I'm in the bathroom, was to get away from him for a while. During the day is my only me time, which consists of sitting here for hours upon hours and try not to kill myself. He must trust me or something, cause he doesn't bother me. I don't even know what he does while I'm cooped up in this dirty ass bathroom. And frankly, I don't give a fuck.

"I don't give a fuck..." I said to no one in particular. I actually don't even know why I said it, I guess I just had to prove it to myself.

I let out a frustrated sigh, titled my head back against the wall and closed my eyes.


"Daddy, daddy look at me!"

I moved my eyes from my book, to see my daughter swinging on her new swing set. She looked happy and like she was having fun, but she was swinging really high.

"Good job, sweetheart, but don't swing so high. I don't want you to hurt yourself."

I returned to my book, taking my glass off the small table. I was about to take a sip, when...


I looked up, seeing a now crying Victoria. She had fallen off the swings. I dropped everything and ran over to help her up.

"What hurts?"

I saw that her leg was bleeding. She must've scrapped it when she landed.

"My leg..." She croaked through the tears. I picked her up and carried her into the house. Her crying slowly stopped, as I brought her into the bathroom. I searched for the first aid kit, and sat down on the tub. She wrapped her chubby fingers around my neck and held on, while I lurked for the peroxide.

I took some toilet paper and wiped away the blood, before dapping the scrape with the medicine.

"Ow! Daddy, that hurts!!" Victoria screamed. Her tears came back.

"Oh, I'm sorry sweetie."

I quickly put a band-aid over the cut, and rocked her back and forth. I used my left hand to wipe her tears. She started calming down, and I began to sing to her.

"Hello my love

I heard a kiss from you

Red magic satin playing near, too

All through the morning rain I gave

The sun doesn't shine

Rainbows and waterfalls run through

my mind..."

I don't have the best in the world voice, but my singing could always calm her down. She had her 'bed-time' face. I smiled at her and kissed her forehead.

"I love you."

"Love you more..."


My eyes abruptly flashed open, seeing that he had swung the door open, waking me up. He stood in the doorway, and his eyes glowed in the dark room.

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