✦T H R E E✦

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Woods of Brookfield, New Hampshire - May 8th, 2010

I was saddened when I awoke, finding out I was still in the home of the strange man. There was a hard lump in my throat that I couldn't swallow. I wiped the sweat from my forehead and pushed back the covers. My ankle still hurt badly, but my neck was fine. I looked around the room, seeing if there was a private bathroom, and it was then that I noticed the door was wide open. My heart skipped a beat, as I checked myself. All my clothes were still on, I wasn't covered in new bruises, so he must not've done anything to me. I took a breath of relief and started to climb out of bed, planting my good foot on the ground first. After stumbling to get balanced, I was up right on my good left foot.

"Okay, now to find the bathroom..."

I was in desperate need of a shower and a toilet. I let my hands guide me down the long hallway, pushing doors slightly open and revealing extra rooms. Some were locked and I didn't even bother trying to open them either; I didn't intend on being here long enough to find out what was inside. After at least fifteen doors, I reached the bathroom and checked before going inside and locking the doors. I quickly pulled my pants down far enough to pee, holding onto the wall. A sigh of extreme relief moaned out my mouth, feeling like I had been holding that in for years.

Once I was finished, I didn't bother pulling my pants up, but instead taking them all the way off. Second, was my shirt, leaving me completely naked. I hopped to the shower, turned it on and waited for the water to get warm, which was shortly after. I slowly stepped inside, inhaling and exhaling as the hot water beads hit my chest. My scratches and wounds were now scabs and beginning to heal, so this felt like pure bliss at the moment. My eyes were closed, as I wet my wild hair underneath the water. My mind drifted with thoughts of how the hell I was gonna leave this place, with no money or a car. I wondered what was Vicky doing, was she at least safe? Was she still with Mrs. Reid, or did the police take her? I felt horrible for not being able to get in contact with her, either. I mentally slapped myself for ever leaving Mrs. Reid's last night.

I shook off the what if's, throwing my head back. I wiped my face and opened my eyes, only to be frightened by what I saw. A pair of harsh eyes reflected in the above mirror, which I just noticed. I jumped at the sight, looked past the shower curtain and saw I was alone, trapped in a room full of thick steam. I looked back at the above mirror and only saw me. I looked back twice, making sure until I realized I must be hallucinating. Once I was done with my shower, I wrapped a towel around me and looked for the clothes I left on the floor, or I thought I left on the floor. They weren't anywhere in this bathroom and I panicked. I really wasn't trying to walk around naked in another man's house, that's quite uncomfortable, more for me than him.

"Damn it!" I exclaimed, hitting the sink countertop. I was beyond pissed. He must've came in here while I was showering and took my stuff. That explains the pair of eyes staring back at me. Fuck, he's seen me nude.

I tightened the grip I had on the towel, as I peeked my head out the door. There wasn't a soul in sight, so I decided to make a run for it back to my room. Unfortunately, with my ankle still twisted, I wasn't very fast. At one point, I had forgotten which door led to my room, since they all looked alike. Once I found it, I sped inside and shut the door, panting. I turned around, jumping back and frowning at the fact the strange man was in my room. He basically had on the same clothes as before, except his tank was black. The cross on his forehead was still there, along with a matching cross on his collarbone and a few other tattoo-like markings that looked like they had some demonic or demented meaning. He looked my way, from packing clean clothes in one of the cherry wood dressers, and just stared. We said nothing, and did nothing until he stood up.

I kept a hand on the towel that kept my private parts, private and another hand on the doorknob, in case I needed to make a run for it, even though I probably wouldn't get very far. He soon stood and advanced towards me, and I etched over. He stopped once he got to the door to look in my eyes. His red ones glowed for a few seconds, before returning normal. That's when his hard exterior softened a bit and I was able to exhale the breath, I didn't know I was holding. Then, I came to my senses and opened the door for him.

"I need to get dressed." I subliminally requested his dismissal.

Without another word, he left and I shut the door, exhaling. I picked the clean clothes from the drawers to place on, after removing my towel. Once I was finally dressed, I fluffed my hair a bit, before taking in a deep breath, and leaving the private bedroom. I moved into the living room, noticing it was empty, along with the kitchen. I thought to call out and acknowledge my presence.


There wasn't an answer, so I called again.


I was alone. I was finally left by myself. I sought this a good opportunity to make a run for it. Heading towards the backdoor, I eased my way outside and checked my surroundings. It looked clear, as I crept out the door. I looked around, seeing nothing but trees and tall bushes. I didn't know where I was going, or if I was headed in the right direction. I struggled to move around since my ankle hurt. I thought I was getting further and further away, once I saw a small river. I thought I'd just follow it. So that's what I did, hopping alongside the small river, until it lead to a hill going upward.

I managed to walk up the hill, only to be back at the small house. My high hopes dropped dramatically, as I limped toward it. I still didn't know where the strange man went, and frabkly, I didn't care. I wanted to leave, badly, and find out what happened to my daughter. I just hope and pray she's alright, that Mrs. Reid is taking care of her, just until I get back home.

I slid back inside like nothing even happened. The TV was on a low volume, and the lights were off. It seemed as if I was in the clear, until I got back to the room I was sleeping in. The strange man was sitting on the edge of the bed, a pocket knife in his hand. He kept pulling the knife out, then retracting the blade in a rhythmic way. It was timed by every two and half seconds. I stood in the open doorway, too scared to say anything.

Then he looked at me. His red eyes glowed horribly. I couldn't exactly describe his emotion, but I could easily tell he wasn't "happy". I heard the knife go back in it's holder, as he slowly stood off the bed. I tried to act like I was afraid, by folding my arms, showing the small biceps I had-his were much bigger. He walked up to me, as I shook in my jeans, and stared square in my eyes. We were in a staring contest for the longest, until he pointed the knife in my face, causing me to jump back slightly. My heart beat through my throat, and pounded in my ears as my whole life flashed before my very eyes. He didn't say anything, just trailed the knife down my face, to neck, then my chest. He stopped when it landed right above my left pec, then pointed directly into my chest.

And I just stood there, like and idiot and let him do that. I don't know why, but it hurt a lot. After a while, he stopped and put the knife away, lastly eyeing me, before leaving. His heavy footsteps were heard behind me, as I held the spot where he cut me. The blood was leaking through the shirt, but only made a small speck of blood. I felt the cut and cringed at the pain. I couldn't believe he did that, and I couldn't believe I let him. I checked behind me, making sure he wasn't watching me, before going into the room and slamming the door. I took the shirt off and threw it across the room, onto a wooden chair. I stayed in the room all day, only to come out when I had to use the bathroom.

I was laying on the bed, my hand behind my head, when there was a knock on the door. I lifted my head, wondering if he was going to come in, but he never did. I groaned and stood off the bed, going to the door and opening it a crack. I looked around and saw no one.

"The hell...?" I whispered to no one, as I opened the door, and saw a tray of food. It reminded me of how hungry I was, so I gladly took it into the room, kicking the door closed behind me.

I put the tray on the dark ebony dresser, and began to eat the turkey sandwich first, followed by the grapes, and chased it all down with the milk. I know I should've been smarter and smelled the food first, in case it was poisoned, but I was so hungry I didn't care. By the time I was all done with the food, I began feeling drowsy. My eyelids became heavy, and the bed became more comfortable. I tried to get underneath the covers, but I collapsed with my head nearly dangling off the side of the bed. I tried to fight the sleep, but whatever he placed in my food, had me knocked out cold.

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