✦F I V E✦

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May 13th 2010

I hardly slept. Something kept waking me, almost every few hours or so. I felt like I was being suffocated, and right before I would take my last breath, I'd wake from my slumber, in a cold sweat. Now that it's daytime, I can see that not only was I being chocked, but I had several scratch marks on my arms. There were red marks around my neck. Each of the stratches looked like some sort of animal with sharp claws left them, but I don't know. My only real speculation is that the red-eyed man did this to me, which wouldn't really make too much sense, considering what happened between us. But then again, the man is crazy.

I wiped more of the fog off the mirror, to also inspect the cut he gave me last night. It was red in that area, and it stung anytime I touched it. I groaned, because this scar probably won't ever go away, no matter what I do to it. This is so fucked up, how am I supposed to return to my daughter like this?!

I shook off that thought, before removing my clothes. I pushed back the shower cutain, before stepping in. Ever since what happened on the first night, I've been taking showers with a towel wrapped around my lower half. I don't want him seeing me naked, it just creeps me out. Anyway, I commenced to wash myself thoroughly, before stepping back out. There was a light fog in the room, and I tried to grab for the clothes I left, but like before they weren't there. I groaned out, coming to the realization he keeps insisting on sneaking in here, while I'm nude, to take my clothes, just so I can walk around in nothing but a towel. Is this man trying to humiliate me?


I just tightened the towel around my hips, before pulling the door open. I hurried to the small room, thankful it was empty. I shut the door behind me, dropped my towel, placed on the fresh, clean boxers on then commenced to get dressed. Instead of staying in here doing absolutely nothing, I walked out into the hallway. The opening of the door created a loud creaking noise. I didn't know why I was holding my breath, I guess I was scared, expecting him to pop up out of nowhere. Sensing he wasn't anywhere in sight, I felt comfortable stepping out into the rest of the house. My stomach growling became my sign that I needed food, desperately.

Since the coast seemed pretty clear, I sauntered to where the kitchen was, seeing the basic refrigerator. I pulled the door open, a little shocked to see it was only full with fruit. But, as hungry as I was, I didn't mind a nice fruit salad. I shrugged my shoulders, reaching for the strawberries, bananas, peaches, blueberries and apples. I laid them on the small counter, before looking for a nice knife to use to cut these things. In the process of searching for one, I felt a cold random shiver hit me. I turned my head over my shoulder, but saw nobody there. Me being paranoid, I just opened the nearest drawer and found a large knife-typical-and I used it to cut up the fruit. Once they were all in smaller pieces, I then searched the cabinets for a bowl, or some kind of container to hold the cut fruit. When I shut the cabinet door, I jumped back a bit, scared once again by the strange man. He was standing a few feet away from me, just glaring blandly in my direction. He held no emotion-it's not like he ever does-but he was shirtless, which was a little intimidating.

"You scared me..." I mumbled, dropping the plastic bowel in my hand.

His eyes were droopy, like he was tired for some reason. He didn't move for a while, but then staggered over in my direction. I stiffened, after picking up the plastic container and clutching it tightly. He simply stepped past me, like a zombie oblivious to fresh meat standing before it. He was heading towards the screen back door, pushing his way outside. I was heavily puzzled, but I wasn't about to question it too much, feeling that something bad would happen if I did. I quickly found a new, clean container to gather my fruit in. Once I had my fruit salad, I searched for a fork, and when I shut the drawer, he came back. He was lugging a heavy bag behind him. The contents were unknown, but it reeked. I scrunched my face, holding my nostrils together, watching him disappear behind the wall leading to the long hallway. I was curious as to what he was doing, cause he's been more reserved than usual, and that is quite bothersome.

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