Part 9

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Don't read this while eating or existing
Or like, if you're sensitive to gross shit.
No pun intended ,';)

This is probably gonna offend some people but I don't really care.

Not gonna lie, this part is cringey.

I'm sorry.

Frank's POV

My feet have been hurting all fucking day.

Probably because I just broke up with Gerard and I miss his vampire non-aging lips on my fungus filled toes.

Someone rang my doorbell. I needed to grab some crutches because last night I shoved a massive black rubber dildo up my constantly stretched out asshole.

I went up to go answer the door and no one was there. Just a floating piece of green feces. I shrugged it off and closed the door.

I was a little bit hungry now that I saw that.

And a little horny.

"What the fuck ass?" I heard John Cena say.

Oh right, I can't see him.

"Sorry man, can't see you. Take off your disguise." I pouted.

He took off his disguise to reveal himself as Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria.

I got a glock in my hand as I hit the old people dab and whipped my way to his assinassnation.

I wouldn't google ass in ass nation if I were you....

"I'll... be back..." he said in his best Arnold Schanwuanwnfjsjakakskdisn impression.

I could've said Arnold Schwarzenn-something else but... nvm...

You know.

Did I just start World War 69?

Gotta call Gerard. He'd know what to do at a time like this.

I dialed his number because I needed to smash. That's what you do when a war starts.... right?

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