Does Tara have any evidence?

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Do I have literal and logical evidence? Yes I do I can proudly say that it supports the fact that I'm innocent and each piece of evidence supports each point I make claiming that I am innocent and by the time I've released this it would've been proven that I am indeed innocent and in fact the first person this will be sent out to is my 'best friend' Sharon and Sharon if you are reading this right now then I'm here to tell you a few things perhaps some pro tips? So let's begin...I believe that ironically I was beefing with two of my friends at the time or so you assumed...truth here is that we were civil for two weeks and I just didn't feel the need to tell you about it oh and how did I forget to mention I even told you that I was sticking up for them didn't I? If you disagree then don't worry...I have evidence to support the points I have just made oh and pro tip: Don't use baseless evidence against me...Right next point? This one may hurt your ego so I won't give any apologies in advance since I promised that I'll crumble your ego to show how much I love you! *note the sarcasm* right we're getting side tracked here time to get back on track (no pun intended) next point! Right you mentioned that I was the first account they followed now this was a tricky one since it was so obvious that I did not follow the account back as I was not aware of the fact that I was the first person they followed however I did notice this...the account followed me first and then followed some of my cousin's friends and then followed my cousin's account and I noticed this the day, Sharon when you sent me them screenshots 'proving it was me' and if it was me then why did 'I' not follow 'myself' back immediately and why did 'I' not just follow all three of my accounts first in one go. Your so called 'evidence' has nothing to do proving me guilty because I've just proven my innocence and you know what I'm just gonna go ahead and expose you because this involves my mum and disrespecting my mum could cost you your life and I'm dead serious regarding this. You said at the time of making the accusation that it makes you sick that I would do such a thing and you didn't budge from that but sorry to burst your bubble darling it makes me sick that you'd go out of your way to go around and distribute my mum's messages...Someone who is absolutely oblivious of the actual root of the problem I honestly thought you had more class than that but clearly you don't and I am ashamed to have treated you like a sister but that's not all you even went out of your way and named my mum's contact as 'Tara the Bitch's Mum' that is something I would never have expected you out of all people to do and the funny thing is when I confronted you about it you said 'I had a reason okay' and you didn't even tell me the reason! Perfect isn't it...

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