Immature Child

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Hajera...Where do I begin with you? Should we start from the group chat on WhatsApp or the attempt to hack and hijack my account? Let's do this in chronological order...So have we spoken before? Yes we have on a friend's group chat on snapchat when I and a bunch of other girls were sticking up for her and honestly you seemed pretty mature considering it was my first impression of you at the time and we seemed to be on good terms socially but then Sharon decided to add you in a group chat and you literally came on and began accusing me when you weren't present when this stuff happened and just like Alison and Samantha you believed Sharon's baseless evidence without using simple common sense being patient and without making links and breaking down the so called 'evidence' completely had you done that you wouldn't have to face this day but you chose immaturity over maturity which is the stupidest thing I personally believe one can then messaged me privately threatening to bang me...and ruin my reputation now I have two things to say about this...Hurting me is something you would regret doing...Ruining my reputation is far from possible so it was a lose-lose either way for you...You know what the sad thing is you stooped so low to the point where you asked for my password on Instagram and claimed 'to try and prove me innocent' I made my move since I'm always ten steps ahead of people and my mind is quite fast I did what I did so I could get some proof against you and thanks to Instagram also providing me with the IP address I could've easily ruined yours but I chose not to and decide to leave y'all in the dark of what my next move was going to be and I did for like 2 weeks and Hajera one more thing when Sharon hit you up you could've backed off but you decided to get yourself into this mess and you also turned up to my school and then done a runner did you get bombarded with questions before I even got to the gates what did I tell you that day? Oh well you wasted my time for no reason...anyways as much as I want you guys to not be involved into this mess you have to pay for your mistakes one day we all do but today is not my day to do so it's your lots turn...

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