Betrayal that lead to confusion

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Tracey...I feel like I should've listened to my friend shouldn't have become friends with you but then I feel like we wouldn't have had them silly moments to experience...I'm not going to 'violate you or expose you' you are too naive...but I feel like you should've waited a few weeks before turning on me or the least you could have done is not spoken to me until the truth was out but you made the mistake of accusing me and as much as I want to go on about the level of disrespect you portrayed towards our friendship and there's so much more but all I want to say is that I was simply trying to be a good friend and protect you from being cat fished by that account and so was Cythia and I warned you before anyone else did on 3rd June...I still have some care and respect towards you and always will because you didn't know what was going on and I'm sorry for being rude when you messaged me accusing me...I really truly am...Next person...Aha! Alison...

Alison...first of all we barely knew each other and second of all you weren't even there when this stuff was happening you accused me based off of Sharon's baseless evidence and though I don't know you personally...You should've used your common sense and had a good look into the evidence and made links just like I did but once again you people love jumping to conclusions don't you? That's something you need to get checked out! Honestly it isn't going to take you anywhere in life I've been there and done it to one of my friends and I felt guilty as anything to the point where I was punishing myself because I realised that my friend was innocent just a few days after and yes we all have our own ways to deal with things but if I can deal with things maturely I'm sure you can too...Instead of posting comments about me on that account's post without @'ing me what impression does that give me? That this Alison who barely knows me is scared of me coming for her...Come on now give me a god damn break will you and you even stooped as low as commenting on my posts with Cynthia and Samantha that right there is pure immaturity because of two reasons...first you didn't have the patience to wait for the truth to come out...Secondly you lot were acting like a 5 year olds waiting for a reaction from me did you not have anything better to do that day or is that what your life is 'waiting for a reaction just for entertainment' pathetic and sad that is...It makes me sick! Oh and one more thing if you think posting stuff about me on your story thinking that I won't find out trust me I will and don't think it's going to harm me believe me when I say you couldn't do anything to me before and neither will you be able to in future that goes for all six of you...Three down...Ah! Special treatment for Sharon...I lied...Just need to make sure I didn't miss out on any of your stupid baseless evidences...Let's continue shall we? We shall...

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