Chapter Two - Ana

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My name is Doctor Anastasia Steel and I'm a therapist, but not just any therapist. I specialized in past regrets and showing my patients a new way to work past them, even change them and to help the patient to change themselves. With these tools, my patients can better deal with the obstacles that arise in their life.

My newest patient has been in a coma for several weeks. The doctors say all his vitals are good, but there was no real reason for him not to wake up. They say he is just giving up but I will not let him give up. I will help him past it.

Decidedly, I make my way into the room, closing the door behind me. All the rooms were similar, stark blue, tiny with one window to the back and a patient in bed. The closer I get to my patient, the more of a connection I felt to this man, I stopped at the foot of the bed and glance at the man in the bed. He had brunette hair, tan skin. His nose was slightly crooked but it didn't change the overall look about him. He was still gorgeous.

No! No! I'm not here to ogle this man. I am here to help him.

I shake my head as I move to the side of the bed, getting a closer look. As I stand before him, I can feel the sadness radiating from him. It was like he wanted to run from everything in his life.

His chest rose and fell in an even pace as if he were just sleeping. In another reality, maybe he would have been.

I take the seat next the bed and sit down, reaching out for his hand laying next to his still body. Slowly, I set my hand down on his warm hand, closed my eyes, and made my journey into his.

Suddenly I appear in a room. No, it's a run down apartment and ratty furniture. The walls were old and dirt with mildew stains all over. It looked as though the ceiling may have leaked at one point. The carpet under my feet was stiff and sticky. I could taste the dust and staleness in the air. The smell was musty, but there was something else in the air.

As I make my way into the living room, I noticed there were two lumps, one small, one large, laying in the middle of the room. Moving closer, upon inspection, I realize what it was. Two bodies. One still, unmoving, the other, small, shaking, no crying. It was my patient as a child.

Kneeling down next to the mother, I glanced at her, realizing we looked similar. She had long brunette hair, pale skin, similar shape nose, but that was where it ended. She had dark circles under her eyes, her eyes green, and her chin pointy, but she was still beautiful. The years of drugs had taken its toll on her. She was older looking, tired, stressed.

"Mommy..." my patient cried. "Please wake up. I need you. I need you." His body shook with his grief. Deep down, he knew, but was afraid to admit she was gone and he was alone. "Mommy..."

"Christian..." I called out to him softly, letting him know I am not a threat. "Sweetie..."

The little boy with a tear stained face, dark hair, and ratty shirt and shorts looked up at me, his blue gray eyes expressive. There was sadness there. So much more than I could have imagine. These beautiful eyes drew me into his soul. I saw the man he wanted to become sweet, sensitive, thoughtful, careful, good guy, but there was so much doubt in there holding him back.

"Christian, my name is Ana. I want to help you." I paused, letting him understood. "If you let me."

"How can you help me?" A little grubby hand wiped the tears away with the back of his hand.

"Come back to the real work with me and we can talk about it." I held my hand out to him.

"No," the child stubbornly yelled back. "I can't leave my mommy."

"You will never be without your mommy, I promise." Ana placed her over her hear. "She will always be there in your heart and in your memories. And you will never loose that."


"Really. Now let's go back so we can talk some more this or anything else you want to talk about. Okay?" She held out her hand to him and with a shakily hand, he placed his little one into her warm hand, and she closed hers. "Hold on."

"Where are we going?"

"For a ride." Ana smiled.

Together, they stood up, and walked for the door. Christian turned back to glance at his mother and she was gone. How was that possible? He bit his lip, ho,ding back tears that were threatening to spill over.

"It is okay, honey."

"Okay, ready."

As Ana reached for the door, they both just disappeared in a blink of an eye.

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