Chapter three

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One day, after school, I turned first the light on and, when he turned on his, he was with a paper saying "Can I see you playing the violin?" , I replied with a big smile and quickly picked up the violin and started playing.

Downstairs, in the living room, my father's girlfriend asked:
- "Does your daughter play the violin?"
- "I thought she had left it a few months ago." - replied my father who was lying on the sofa as always, now waiting for the pizza with his girlfriend sitting by his side.

As I finished the first music, even knowing that he couldn't hear me play but only see me, strangely he was smiling anyway, so I countinued to play the pieces I had to practice and, as such, he kept watching me and enjoying it.

We were growing older and one morning at the weekend, he wrote me a note saying "I will be at your door around 2p.m.". After lunch, I quickly dressed up and opened the door right before he rang the bell. We went to one of the many parks nearby. He was holding his bike in one hand walking alongside me, when he said:

- "When you play it seems as it you shine more than your light."
- "It is only a 20V lamp, I should really change it." - I replied.

He laughed at me and then said:

- "Not that kind of shine! When you play, it's different from the other musics, it seems that you really are feeling it!"

I didn't know what to say, to be honest, at that time I thought he was getting insane, but I blushed anyway as a inocent girl that I am.
How could he know that I was feeling the music if he couldn't ever listen to me playing it? That was my thought and he must have realized my confusion because he sat on his bike and grabbed my hand so I could join him giving me a little smile.

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