Chapter eight

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- "Hey..." - he said.
- "Can we go for a walk? I really need to calm down." - I said.
- "Of course."

We start walking and I told him what my dad had told me before.

- " You shold give him a chance... It's your father wedding after all." - he said, trying to comfort me.
- "But he doesn't even care about me!" - I shouted.
- "Then shine in his marriage! It's your chance. You can still change his mind. Show him your passion for music!" - he said with the happiest smile I have ever seen on him.
- "You are right. I won't give up."

And that was exactly what I did. I had a month before the wedding and I was practicing really hard for that. I told my father that I would play the music at the beginning. And, the boy... he came every day on the last month to my house to help me practice. He really wanted to help me achieving my dream.

It was the wedding day and I had already put on my black dress, so now it's time to go and help my stepmother with her outfit and makeup.
After finishing that, the only thing left was touching my father's heart with my music.

My dad was already near the altar waiting for his wife and I started playing. I looked at my dad and he was seriously looking at me, gaping.

At the wedding party, my stepmother said to my father:

- "I think you should give her this chance. She worked so hard for this and look at what she has done!"

Every guest was glamorizing my performance.

- " I truly should give her a chance." - He replied.

So, my father went near the boy's uncle (the whole family of the boy had been invited) and asked him to arrange the audition for me.

He came behind me while I was with the guests and the boy, who walked away so we could talk.

- "You will thank me one day." - said my father.
- "For what...?" - I asked.
- "Your mother and I..."
- "My stepmother!" - I interrupted him.
- "Yes, your stepmother and I..." - he continued - "We decided to pay for you to do the audition. But for that, you need to promise me one thing."
- "What?" - I rolled my eyes while asking already with a smile on my face.
- "Only if you promise you will do you best just like you did here and get in."
- "Of course I will do my best! I promise!" - I gave him a hug and whispered: "Thank you."

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