Chapter four

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- "I've never..." - I said in low volume and shaking my head saying no.
- "Then you will try it now!" - he interrupted me.

Of course I couldn't refuse it.
I really enjoyed that day. We spent the whole day together and we got to know each other really well.

Nothing really changed since that day.
My father was going to get married again. I was really happy for him but my house was a bustle. My future stepmother always wanted me to go with her friends chose the perfect dress. My dad went to chose his outfit too, but with my uncle. They were trying to make everything perfect to the wedding. In the mid of all that noise and confusion, I just wanted to spend time with my friend.

So, the marriage was going to be in June and we were almost there, it was Easter to be more exact. My friend planned with his family to go to his moutain house with his cousins and family and he invited me to go along. My dad's girlfriend said no because while she liked me she hadn't yet given me her full trust but fortunately my uncle convinced my father to let me go with them.

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