Chapter 1

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*Edited BY Luna_AlphaWolf!*

Harry's P.O.V

I walked upstairs of the burrow looking for Ginny. After the war, we got back together. But... It's just not the same. There wasn't the spark like there once was. I was thinking about that when I realised that I was gay. Today was the day that I would tell her.

When I opened there door to her room, I found her on her bed with her shirt off, snogging some Hufflepuff.

 "GINNY!" I yelled,  making the two of them pull away.

"Harry I-I" Ginny stuttered.

"No! Save your excuses-I don't want to them! We. Are. Done." I shouted, and stormed out of the room.
I was sitting in the living room, between Hermione and Ron, when Mr Weasley came in.

 "Harry I need to talk to you. Are you okay? You seem upset..." he said.

I rubbed the back of my head,  feeling as if  I had a headache.

 "I'm fine sir. What do you need to talk about?" I said, shrugging it off.

"It's because of Ginny." I thought

"I have looked into your family tree, and it turns out that you have Veela DNA  in your bloodline. It may not happen, but you might get your Veela inheritance on your birthday next week." Mr Weasley explained. 

I nodded, my back suddenly aching. Moments later, we were called to the kitchen for dinner.

Draco's POV

I screamed in pain, arching my back, as I felt my skin tear open.  I placed my shaking hand onto my back, and felt blood leaking out of the wound. Then I passed out.

When I woke up again I was laying on my back, in blood-soaked sheets. I jumped from the bed and gracefully onto my feet, but then I fell on my ass due to an extra weight o my back.
 I turned my head slightly, only to see that I had grown a pair of bat-like wings. There was a mirror in front of me. I stood and turned to look into it, noticing that my bare back was covered in dry blood. On my forehead, were small horns. I smiled, thinking I looked hot and bad ass, to see that my canines were now more sharp and long.

"I have to agree, we do look hot and bad ass." a strange voice in my head said.
I almost screamed. But I stayed cool and said, 

"Who the hell are you, and what are you doing in my head?" 

"I am Lain, your Demon. I have been here since you were born. I have just woken though. I am here to give you advice, and most importantly, help find your mate." He said. 

"Okay," I said, not sure about how I should respond to what he had just said. 

"How about we get dressed and cleaned up?I am sure your mother is waiting for us." Lain said.

I nodded and yelled, "Doopy! Get in here!" 

Then a house elf popped in. "What can Doopy do for young master?" 

"Tell mom I am awake, and taking a shower," I replied.

Doopy bowed and left.

"I wonder why the author chose Doopy for as a name for a house elf, out of all the things they could have picked..." Lain said.

"Who is 'Author'?" I asked, grabbing clothes and going to the shower.

"The one that makes all of this happen." Lain explained. 

"Sure..." I replied.

Harry's POV

I sighed, thinking about everything. It's night now, and Ginny's been begging for forgiveness all day, but I am never going to forgive her. The others found out what happened and they're all disappointed in Ginny. I felt depressed as I thought about what I have been thinking about since last year. Ending it all.

I may have been thinking of ending it with Ginny, but she was cheating on me, which meant that she had never loved me.
As these thoughts swirled around my head, a searing pain overwhelmed me. I felt like someone had lit my back on fire as I screamed, feeling the skin on my back tear. I passed out.

When I woke up again,  everyone was in the room. 

"Harry are you okay?" Ron asked.

"Yeah... I'm fine," I said sitting up. 

"Wow Harry! Those are beautiful!" Hermione said.

"What?" I asked, looking behind me. I saw two ebony black wings.

I stood up and looked in a full body mirror. I had curves in all the right places, and my eyes were a brighter green, and my black wings looked glossy. 

"You, my dear, are a submissive Veela." Mrs Weasley said. 

"Is your mate here?" Hermione asked. 

"Mate?" I asked, turning to face her. 

"Your soulmate.  You'll feel a pull to him and he will be outlined in green, to show you that he is yours." Hermione explained. 

I nodded and looked around the room, but my mate was not there.

"No mate," I said.

Though, who would want to be my mate? They'd only love me for my fame and fortune...

"We'll find him, especially since we are going back to Hogwarts." Hermione said, showing us the letters.

Draco's POV

I smiled at the Hogwarts letter in hand. This gives me more of a chance to find my mate. 

"Draco come on we are going to Diagon Alley." Mother yelled. 

I got up and ran downstairs.  If father was here,  he would have yelled at me for not walking with Malfoy manner. But the good thing is, he's not. He was arrested and is now in Azkaban, where he belongs. So now it will be me, Lain, mother, and soon, my mate.
But first I have to find him.

Lain's note.
That right! I broke the fourth wall. Deal with it.

A/N: Hey everyone! This is @Luna_AlphaWolf!I will now be editing this story.

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