Chapter 9

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                             Chapter 9:


            Once we got to Marcel’s house, we decided to watch a movie. I sat down on the couch as Marc put The Avengers in the DVD player. “I can’t believe I am currently skipping school.” Marc grinned and shook his head. “You bring out the bad arse in me, Babe.” He winked at me and sat down as the movie began.

            By the time the movie was over, we were sitting there watching a New Orleans Saints football game. The game had been recorded on Marc’s tv so I’d already seen it and knew what happened, but I was still throwing popcorn at the screen and yelling at the refs for making bad calls. Eventually, Marc took the popcorn away from me because almost the whole bowl was on the floor. “I didn’t know you were so into football.” He said. By the end of the game, he was yelling at the tv and had thrown the rest of the popcorn plus the bowl so we had quite the mess to clean up.

            It’s been about a week since our movie night and we have hung out at Marcel’s everyday after school. After I got kicked out of my house, my friends, Toni and Alexis, took me in and were living in a house together. The three of us were currently sitting on the floor getting me ready for a date with Marc. “So.. how’s your nerd?” Toni asked. “Boo, he’s not a nerd. He’s just a bit different…. Now help me pick out my clothes for tonight.” Alexis jumped into the conversation, “Hun, he is DEFINITELY a nerd… but I’ll help you.” She moved to my closet and started rooting through it. After a few minutes, she pulled a dress out of the very back. She turned towards Toni and I with a devilish grin. “Um no.” I said while grabbing the dress from her and throw back into the closet. “Abagail! You are wearing this dress!” She pulled it back out of the closet, threw it at me and pushed me into the bathroom. Just to humor her, I tried it on. There’s nothing wrong with dresses, they just aren’t my thing. I put on the dark purple dress and it wasn’t too bad. It hugged my curves just right, flowed out a bit at my hips, and stopped just below my knees. I walked out of the bathroom just in time to get a pair of black heels thrown at me. “Excuse me, but next time I would appreciate it if you would LOOK WHERE YOU’RE THROWING THE FREAKING SHOES.” I put extra emphasis on the last couple words. “Don’t be a such baby. Go do your hair.” Toni rolled her eyes at me and pointed towards the mirror connected to my dresser. I pulled my hair out of its bun and my curls fell to the middle of my back. I put a tiny bit of hairspray in it and turned around to face the girls. “Happy?” They looked at each other and smiled at me. “You’re almost done.” Alexis grinned while she slowly pulled a make up bag from behind her back. “Heck no.” I don’t enjoy make up… at all. Alexis and Toni are always looking for an occasion to get me to wear it and have yet to succeed. “Please, Abbey!” Alexis begged. “Why should I? Give me one good reason.” I crossed my arms and raised one eyebrow. She thought for a minute and then spoke, “Because you love Marcel and you wanna look amazing for him.” We stood there for a minute looking at each other before I broke. “Fine…. But not too much.” “Yes!” She squealed and I sat down beside Toni on the bed. Alexis went to work and about ten minutes later she was finished. She held up a mirror so I could see how I looked. I was surprised… I actually looked pretty good. I smiled. “Thanks, Lexie.” Just then, the door bell rang. Alexis jumped off the bed. “I’LL GET IT!” Her voice rang through the halls. I chased after her, hoping to get to the door before her. I made it just in time to see Alexis throw open the door. Toni stood behind me and we were all shocked by what we saw.  

He saved me (A Marcel Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora