Chapter 21

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                            Chapter 21:


            Today, I’m taking my baby girl, Quinn, to the park. She is now two years old so it’s been about six months since I last saw Marcel. I’ve thought a lot about what Toni said over the past months. Everyday just getting out of bed without Marcel has been the most difficult and depressing thing ever. Thankfully, he gave me Quinn. She brightens my day more and more with every ‘I love you, Mummy!’. She is always asking where her daddy is and I tell her that I honestly don’t know. I sat down on a bench while my precious daughter played on the playground equipment. Quinn and I don’t get out much, but that’s okay. We like our two bedroom apartment. A man sat down beside me. “She’s beautiful… Just like her mum.” I blushed at the stranger’s compliment. I looked over to see if I knew this kind man, but he hid his face. “Well, uh, thank you, sir.” There was only one person who ever called me beautiful…. Marcel…. Holy crap, I think Marcel is sitting beside me. I slowly and cautiously reached into my purse and grabbed my pepper spray. I stood up and pointed it at him.

“I swear, Marcel, if you try anything, I’ll spray you in the fricking eyes.” He put his hands up in surrender.

“Abbey, Love, I just wanna talk. I don’t wanna hurt you or Quinn.”

            “Well, you better get to talking.” I sighed and sat back down. I kept the pepper spray out just in case he tried something. I didn’t expect him to actually say much of anything, but he took a deep breath and told me everything from cutting himself to the hospital to the psych ward.

“I’m a changed man, Abbey. I know I’m an idiot and I completely understand if you say no, but I was hoping I could get a chance to get to know my baby girl.” I stared at him in shock. “I-I guess you could come over for dinner.”


I can’t believe she actually said yes! “Dinner would be excellent.” I smiled the biggest smile ever. She grabbed the front of my shirt collar in a fist and brought her face inches from mine. “I swear, Marcel, you do anything to hurt that little girl, I’ll kill you myself. She’s my world.” Abbey growled. Even though she was threatening me, I loved having Abbey so close. “Okay, Love.” Quinn came running over. “Mummy! Mummy!” Abbey turned towards her and picked her up. “What’s wrong?” Just hearing her speak to my child makes me want to marry her on the spot. “Umm is that Harry?” Quinn spoke while tangling her fingers in Abbey’s dark, curly hair. “Actually… This is Mummy’s friend, Marcel. Say hi.” Quinn escaped Abbey’s arms and ran to me. She sat on my lap and looked at me with the beautiful, bright, emerald eyes I had given her. “Hi, Marcel!” She hugged me tight and I hugged her back. “Hi, Quinn! You look so pretty in that dress!” I pointed to her pretty, bright pink sundress. “I like this dress ‘cause it makes me as pretty as Mummy.” Abbey blushed at her daughter’s comment. Quinn continued, “Don’t you think Mummy’s pretty, Marcel?” The little girl slid off my lap and ran to her mum. I walked over to her and crouched down to her level. “Quinn, you’re mum is the most beautiful lady that I’ve ever seen.” I smiled up at Abbey. She spoke a bit flustered, “How about we go home and make some dinner?” “Okay!” Quinn squealed excitedly.  She held onto Abbey’s and with the other, she grabbed onto mine. It was a short walk to their small, 2 bedroom apartment. Quinn and I got tons of time to play before Abbey was done with dinner. “Quinn! Marcel! Dinner is ready!” Quinn dragged me to the table as Abbey just finished speaking. We had a great rest of the night and I even got to put Quinn to bed! I was the happiest I had been in like 2 years. I whispered to my sleeping baby, “Daddy loves you sooo much, Quinn. Good night.” I kissed her forehead and walked out to the living room. Abbey was sitting on the couch, biting her nails, a nervous habit she must’ve picked up. I walked over to her and knelt in front of her. “Look, Abbey, I know I was a terrible boyfriend and I’ve been a really crappy father to Quinn, but please just hear me out.” She hesitated but nodded for me to continue. “Love, I’ve missed you sooo much. Words can’t even begin to describe how much. I still love you more than life itself and I never stopped. I’ve only known Quinn for a little while and I love her to death, too. Abbey, please, I’m begging you to give me another chance.” I held her hands in mine. “Marcel, I don’t know… I mean our break up was nasty and I have a child to think about now.” She sighed. “I know, but I’ve changed. I wanna be with you forever and I wanna be a kick arse dad for Quinn. Please, just give me another chance.” My voice cracked towards the end. I was struggling to hold back tears. She paused for a minute. “I guess we could give it a shot.” She smiled at me. “Really!?” I said, enthusiastically. “Yes, but we have to take it slow.”  She leaned in and kissed me. After we pulled away, I whispered, “I thought we were taking it slow.” She chuckled, "Stuff Happens,” And kissed me again.

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