Chapter 14

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A/N: Sorry this chapter is so short and I'm sorry I haven't updated in forever, but I've been sick and trying to make up school work. Here's chapter 14... I hope you all like it. ;)

                          Chapter 14:

                       *Abbey’s POV*

                             One Month Later

I am screwed….. just absolutely without a doubt screwed. One month ago after Toni left my Welcome Home party, Marcel and I decided to have a little party of our own. I have been waking up to my stomach twisting and having to bolt for the bathroom every morning for the last week. I am now pacing in my bathroom waiting for the pregnancy test results…. Praying that they’ll be negative. Don’t get me wrong… I’d love to have kids with Marcel just not right now. We’ll both be going to college in September and it’s just not a good time for a baby. I looked at my phone and it was now time for the test results. I picked the first one of four up without looking at it and took a deep breath,

“Please be negative.” I whispered. I looked down.

 “Frick! Positive!” I chucked it in the trash can.

 “You better be defective.” I spoke to the test. I picked up the second one.

“Dang it! Positive!” I threw that one away, too. “You better be defective, too.” I know that it’s highly unlikely that two of them would be wrong, but I’m praying they are. I picked up the third and fourth.

“SHOOT! GO DIE YOU STUPID TESTS!” Yeah… I’m completely sane. Just sitting here talking to pregnancy tests. How the frick am I supposed to do this? “How will I tell Marcel?”  

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