Chapter 16

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                                  Chapter 16:


          After Toni brought me home, I told her and Alexis everything that happened. They were just as shocked as I was that Marcel would be so rude and selfish. Right after I finished the whole story, Alexis opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted when the phone rang. I picked up the phone,

“Hello?” I rasped from my sore throat that I got from crying so much.

“Abbey?”  Another very familiar voice rasped. “Screw yourself.” Just before I hung up on the douchebag, Marcel started freaking out.

“WAIT, ABBEY! BABE, PLEASE JUST LET ME TALK!” The girls and heard his screaming too and told me to keep talking to him but to put him on speakerphone. I hit the speakerphone button,

“Hurry up and talk before I change my mind.” I spoke bluntly. He sighed,

“Okay, I am so sorry I reacted that way, Babe. You know how much I love you and, it’ll be hard, but I know I can love this baby just as much if not more. Please just don’t leave me. I need you. You are my life. Please… please don’t do this.”

I sighed, “Marcel, you didn’t want the baby two hours ago and we both know you don’t want him or her now. Please don’t make this harder than it has to be. We’re over because you were a pig and nothing is about to change that.” I finished. “Abbey” His voice cracked and I knew he was starting to cry. “I-I’m so s-sorry. I s-swear I didn’t m-mean to-” I cut him off, “Don’t you dare give me that ‘I didn’t mean to’ crap. You had complete control over every nasty thing you said and you said it anyway… The man I just finished arguing with was not the man I fell in love with. You, Marcel, are a less abusive version of my father.” I paused.

“Oh, and you lost the right to call me pet names when you called my baby a thing and broke my heart. Goodbye, Douche bag.”

I hung up before he could say anything to change my mind. The girls just looked at me with complete shock written on their faces… like they couldn’t believe I had just broken up with the love of my life forever. Neither could I.


            After Abbey hung up, I sat on my floor for about half an hour before taking the phone away from my ear. I sat there for about three hours more crying and telling myself just how stupid I am for letting the best thing that ever happened to me slip through my fingers and it was all my fault. Her words kept running through my mind and tearing my heart to shreds.

“The man I just finished arguing with is not the man I fell in love with. You, Marcel, are a less abusive version of my father.”

            I know I shouldn’t but I need it to stop. It’s been months since I’ve even thought about it, but I need to take the pain from my aching heart. I walked into my bathroom and grabbed my old best friend out of the cupboard….. My razor. I took my shirt off so it didn’t stain it because my mum would get suspicious and worried if she saw it. I sliced a deep cut into my forearm. Blood oozed from my arm in a burning sensation. It hurt at first but then my arm went numb. Tears cascaded down my face as I sliced my wrist open, crimson liquid spilling everywhere. I sat down on the floor as my wrist became numb just as my forearm had. The tears had stopped as the dark emptiness that used to rule my life over took me once again and I sliced my other arm. It was numb almost instantly. I began to slip out of consciousness as I realized I had sliced a vein. I’m probably going to die here… all alone. And the worst part is that I realized that I was fine with death just before the darkness over took me. 

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