your too good

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dean:i'm sorry aj

aj:what's wrong jon

dean:i can't be in a relationship with you i'm sorry i just can't

aj:i thought you loved me

dean:i do love you i love you more then myself and that is why i'm doing this


dean grabs aj's wrist

dean:your too good for me you don't deserve someone like me

aj:jon you may not be good enough for me but i don't care i want you

aj stands up and kisses dean

aj:ok jon i want you and only you

dean:i love you

aj:i love you too

dean lays aj on the bed



roman:jon i was wonderin---

paige:hey april we should get together someti----

paige and roman:YOU HAD SEX

seth:who had sex

paige:jon and april

dean:can you guys shut the fuck up

aj runs in the bathroom

dean:look at what you did

dean puts on his boxers and bangs on the door

aj:what jon

dean:open up baby

aj opens the door and pulls dean in the bathroom by his chain

aj:jon they saw me nude

dean:yeah i know but the funny thing is it's a privilege to see you naked it's a gift

aj smirks at dean

dean:you ok bubba



dean hands aj a robe and kisses aj's forehead

dean:go outside i'll be out in a minute

aj walks outside and sits on the bed

roman:so did like jon dick you down cuz i'm a man and i notice things

aj:he did not not do such things

roman:OH SHIT

paige:april c'mon

aj and paige walk away

aj:what's up

paige:it's been what 10 months since you and jon first got together and why do you think he hasn't spent one night at your place aj your the side chick

aj:paige i hardly spend one night at my house

paige:just think about it


aj walks away



dean walks to aj and kisses her

roman:so jon i was thinking we could go to the movies or sum considering we almost never hand out

dean:is that cool with you

aj:yeah i get it

dean grabs a t-shirt and walks out the door

paige:where is jon going

aj:with your boyfriend

paige:oh shit

the movies

dean:can i tell you something


dean:i cheated on aj

roman slaps dean

dean:what the fuck

roman:10 months jon 10 months you have been with that woman she loves you i don't know why but she does and your always ready to jump and leave somebody just because of one tiny flaw

dean:i only did it so she could leave me she's too good for me

roman:what it's almost been a year and i'm pretty sure her crazy ass isn't gonna leave you for a while i mean what kind of idiot stays with you

dean:she isn't an idiot

roman:i mean i love you but my god who the hell is dumb enough to date you

dean punches roman and draws blood to his lip

roman:so you know

dean:know what

roman:that you love her and what you did was wrong look man your my brother and all but she isn't the dumbass you are i mean i love aj like a lil sister and i want the best for her

dean drives away

aj's hotel room

aj:how was the movie

dean:sit down i gotta tell you something

aj sits down

aj:not before i tell you something

dean:it can wait

dean sits next to aj

dean:i'm so fucking sorry

aj:about what jon

dean:i cheated on you

aj slaps dean


aj:NO JON 10 months of my life wasted on you because i loved you and i wish i could say the same for you

dean:can you at least tell me what you were gonna tell me



aj:jon before you and i ever happened i was a virgin and i got drunk came home with you and now i'm pregnant with your baby

dean:a kid?

dean walks out her room and aj starts sobbing

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