Our time

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Dean:April you need this break...WE need this

Aj:How can you say that their your children too

Dean:Because Aj I'm sleep deprived and I wanna take you in my arms and make love to you all night and day long

Aj:Jon they need her mom

Nikki:I promise the twins are in good hands


Aj gives Nikki the twins and starts tearing up

Aj:I've pumped enough for the weekend they should be fairly quiet

Dean:April it's ok 

Aj:I'm see you later kids

Dean:Love you guys

John:Go ahead and get some ass

Dean:C'mon cutie


4 hours later

Aj:Do you think they ate?

Dean:Yes I do now come here 

Dean pulls Aj on his lap and puts his hand in her pants


Dean:C'mon relax

Aj:I am

Dean starts kissing Aj's neck making her moan a bit


Dean:Babe cheer up


Dean:Would it make ya feel better if we called the kids?


Dean grabs his phone and facetimes Nikki

N:Hey guys!
N:Called to check in?
A:Yeah hope you don't mind

Nikki directs the camera to the twins sleeping in John's arms

Aj:Aww look at them

D:We'll call you tomorrow

Dean hangs up and Aj walks to the shower and Dean walks in after her


Dean:Come here


Dean grabs Aj from the back of her neck and pulls her in a kiss

Dean:Just so you know...I'm not just hear for the kids

Aj:You heard me and the girls talking last week didn't you

Dean:Yeah and one more thing


Dean:The second you walked in that arena you were mine and you always will be

Dean kisses Aj's forehead and she rests her head on his chest

Aj:I love you

Dean:I love you too

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