Sin City

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Dean walks in backstage and sees her nursing Emma and Noah

Nikki:Doesn't it hurt when you're away from them

Aj:More then I can describe

Brie:Have they spoke yet


Dean:Hey Spider Monkey

Aj:Hey Handsome

Dean kisses Aj and takes Emma and kisses her forehead

Nikki:Look at the family man


Brie:Now that you've had kids you're gonna start automatically doing this you wouldn't normally do

Dean:That's crazy talk

Brie:Look at what you're doing right now


Nikki:You never braid your hair

Dean:It's nice

Brie:Nor do you wear "momma's number 1" bands on you're wrist


Aj:Go easy on him he's adapting

Dean:Thank you

Dean kisses Aj and nibbles on her ear

Dean:How about we take you guys to Nana and Pop-pop tonight and give mommy and daddy a night alone

Nikki:You haven't changed a fucking bit

Dean:C'mon let's go and see your uncles

Dean picks up Noah and walks away with the twins leaving Nikki Aj and Brie

Brie:Has he really changed?

Aj:Honestly I can say that he has

Nikki:You don't think he's just here for his kids?

Aj:Maybe I don't know I can't tell you what you wanna here all I can say is I'm crazy about him

3 hours later

Aj walks in the house and Dean attacks her with kisses and starts ripping her shirt off stitch by stitch

Dean:It's been a while huh?

Aj:Just shut up

Dean picks Aj up and takes her upstairs and grabs a condom from his drawer

Dean:You ok?

Aj:I'm fine Jon


Dean:Come here

Dean pulls Aj closer to him and kisses her temple the neck

Dean:Let's have another baby



Aj:No Jon

Dean:Why not

Aj:Because it was a horrible experience

Dean:You don't love our little miracles?

Aj:It's not that it's just that the entire labor thing isn't something I wanna do again

Dean:How come?

Aj:Get some rest Jon

Dean:No tell me

Aj:Because I don't wanna risk a miscarriage

Dean:Ok I understand

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