Lady's man

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Dean wakes up to Emma and crying and he runs to her and grabs a bottle and picks her up and sways her back and fouth

Dean:Daddy's little princess huh?

Aj wakes up and sees Dean holding Emma



Aj:What's wrong with her

Dean:I don't know whatever it is she stopped crying

Aj:Here let me hold her

Dean:No...her head it smells amazing


Aj walks in the bathroom and Dean walks in the bathroom and keeps Emma close to his chest

Aj:What's up?

Dean:I love you

Aj:I love you too

Dean:No look at me

Dean grabs Aj's arm and turns her around making her look at him and he kisses her

Dean:You are the mother of my child, the greatest thing that ever happened to me, the most beautiful women I've ever met April I'm so glad to have you in my life

Aj:Give me the baby

Aj takes Emma and puts her back in her crib and walks back over to Dean and kisses his neck and starts taking off his shirt

Aj:Take me

Dean:As you wish

2 hours later

Dean sits back and kisses Aj and she puts one of his shirts on while he puts on boxers

Dean:Come here

Aj walks to Dean and sits on his lap he puts his hands on her butt

Dean:I love you so fucking much April

Aj:I love you too

Dean lays down and pulls Aj on his chest and kisses her forehead and runs his fingers through her hair

Dean:You're the best baby momma ever

Aj:You're gonna call me that from now on aren't you


Aj pecks Dean's lips and wraps her petite arms around his bulky chest and fall asleep

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