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Dean wakes up and sees Aj passed out on the twins' crib

Dean:Oh my god

Dean picks Aj up and puts her in her bed waking her up with his slight touch

Aj:Jon what are you doing?

Dean:You seemed uncomfortable

Aj:Jon you're staying here for the week until I get everything situated in the right place and then...

Dean:I know I know

Aj:Go to bed Jon

Dean:No come here

Dean pulls Aj closer to him by her neck turning her on a bit

Dean:Tell me why you left

Aj:I didn't leave you cheated

Dean:I had to

Aj:Jonathan get off of me

Dean:What are you gonna do huh

Dean starts kissing Aj's neck making her eyes roll in the back of her head

Dean:10 months later I still remember you're spot


Dean lays Aj back on the bed and kisses her without hesitation

Aj:Wait the kids Jon

Dean:You let me take care of them ok?


Aj takes off Dean's shirt and kisses him


Aj cuddles in Dean's arms and he kisses her forehead

Aj:I've gotta stop falling for you

Dean:But you can't how bout that?

Aj:I can get over you just as easily as I could get under you

Dean:Yeah right

Dean puts some shorts on walks to the baby's room after hearing them crying

Aj:Jon do you know what you—

Dean:Let me hold my kids

Dean picks up the twins and rocks them back and fourth gently while Aj watches

Aj:I was thinking about taking the kids to my parents house maybe you could drive me

Dean:Don't you have a ca——

Aj grabs Dean's face and kisses him

Dean:Where do they live

Aj:That's for me to know

Dean:The twins are sleeping

Aj:I'll put them back in the bed

Aj puts Noah in the bed and then Emma

Dean:Noah and Emily Mendes-Good

Aj:Just Good

Dean:I said you couldn't get over me

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