Important to me

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I'm really glad that so many people enjoy my work. 

But have to apologize for avoiding this book for so long. I know you hate a/ns but I only post them when I feel like I have to, and I need you to read this next part:

The laptop I was using got a virus and was totalled. To make up for it, I was given a tablet which Wattpad seems to hate. It wouldn't let me post for the longest while. Then, in a run of bad luck, a classmate thought the papers I wrote at least 50 headcanons on was trash (because she didn't understand it), and thus threw it away.


When I got Wattpad to work, I checked the inbox and found that someone had been sending me private messages giving tips on how to improve. There was a lot and I was grateful, but the help took on a rather hurtful tone and ended with lots of hate messages. It was only one person, but their words kinda got to me and my best friend only convinced me to come back on recently. They are reading this over my shoulder right now. I haven't got any hateful messages in two days, so I'm hoping the person stopped. Anyway, I will update tomorrow, and if you like my work or see it copied anywhere, please let me know in the comments. Kind words would honestly help a lot right now. 

Thank you to those who bothered to read this, and please thank my best friend who forced me to do this and talked me out of abandoning the book. I was actually going to quit, but im gonna stick with this a bit longer(hopefully).

You'll hear from me soon~


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