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After dinner, I do what I always do, shower, change, go to bed, stare at my door waiting for it to open. As I crawl into my bed, surprised my dad hasn't asked for the money back I lay down, turning my light off before my father can see the light on, as tears roll down my cheeks I stare at the door, just staring. Wondering if I'll ever see tomorrow. being as little as I was, I shouldn't have thought about death, or self harm, or being scared. But I was, I was terrified of death but at times I wanted it. Thought I was useless, and the marks on my skin showed me how weak I was, at least, that's all I thought. My eyes slowly closed, but all of the sudden I hear my door crack and squeak, opening slowly. my tired eyes opened, knowing I wasn't gonna get any sleep. "Braydon!" my father yells, drunk and angry. "y-yes dad?" my voice was shaky. "where's that money? I know you have some spared!" I sigh knowing an argument was about to start. "I-I had to give it away...Dad I was going to be beaten if I didn't!" my dad narrowed his eyes as he approached me. "You better find some way of getting that money back. and you're a man, you can fight!" I gulp and shake my head knowing I'm too weak to fight the bully. my father glared as I didn't respond, so he grabbed one of my favorite toys and smashed it yelling at me, making me cry and try to fall asleep, my father grabbed me slamming me against the headboard as I cried and screamed for my mother "Don't you dare disrespect me boy!!" my father yelled in an angry tone. as my brothers and mom came in to see what was happening I had bruises along my back and head from being slammed against the headboard. My mother had to pull my father out as I dropped onto my bed upset and hurt. I knew it wasn't the end of it.

The next day, I could barely move, my back was in massive pain and I had a killer headache, I hoped to go out, in pain or not and see my girlfriend. I got up, still in pain, and went downstairs and told my mom I was gonna go see my love, of course, she was fine with it, so I went to get ready, and after I was done I went downstairs and was about to head out until my father yelled "Boy! where the hell you think you're going?" I froze, saying calmly "To Vanessa's house..?"my dad shook his head and pointed upstairs"Bed. Now. You're grounded" I tried to trace back to when my dad said I was, tried to remember when I was in the wrong, but nothing sparked. "You never said I was grounded!" my father stood up dropping his coffee cup as I gulped and ran upstairs into my room, and locked my door. "Great, another day I can't see her" so I sat, and sat, and sat. didn't move, just knew that was probably the end of me and my girlfriend. Annnnd a few days later, I was right.

A Week Later

it was stormy, thunder was loud, the rain was heavy. Me, my older brother Jordan, and my younger brother Roman were all sitting in the living room playing as my mother was singing and cooking, we were all having a good night. As the lightning got closer and the thunder got louder, the rain was so heavy it started to flood. My father came home, drunk, probably came back from the bar. He came inside soaked and headed up to me "Braydon you motherfucker" he said as I shivered "w-what did I do wrong..? Please! Don't hurt me!" he grabbed me, started hitting me, hurting me, leaving bruises all over me. I fought back, but I wasn't strong enough, I was slammed onto my stomach being pinned by him sitting on my back keeping me from fighting back, I was shaky, hyperventilating and screaming, slowly losing my breath as the room got dark, I closed my eyes giving up. as he hit the back of my head and got no reaction from me my mom grabbed him pulling him off me as I was passed out from not getting enough air she quickly rolled me over screaming my name "Braydon!? Braydon please come back to mommy!" I could just barely hear her voice but wasn't wanting to open my eyes, a few minutes i came back, my shirt was ripped my jeans were pulled down a bit, exposing my boxers and hips, everything on me was stretched and ripped. my head was in so much pain, my back felt so broken, I didn't want to live, I didn't want to deal with it anymore. I got taken away for a year, all I did was lay in bed, cry, try to end it, cut,  I had no one by me, my grandparents took care of me, but weren't there beside me, I'd sleep in to try and heal and next thing I knew I'd be startled awake by my grandfather banging against the door to wake me up, which put me in trauma thinking it was my father.

All I could think of was "save me..someone..anyone.."

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