Hope For Change.

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After being away from home for so long I got use to being all alone, going to school with messy hair, barely bathed, and always looked so drained. I was giving up on myself. why would my dad hurt me to a point I had to be taken away? What did I do for him to hate me? Why can't I be perfect for him like my brothers? like my cousins? what did I do? All that ran through my mind was I didn't matter, I was alone, scared, etc. At this point, thunder storms could never be the same for me. but when i got home, any fight my dad started I ran away, I hid under vehicles all night until he'd pass out. I would always run outside during cold winters and slip under a truck, and I'd see a flash light as he'd search for me for hours. it got to a point where sleeping under vehicles and hiding under things just wasn't safe or good enough. So I started flat out running away, once I ran away for three days, never ate, slept anywhere I felt safe enough to sleep at, I came back skinny and tired, I didn't have friends to stay the night at. my cousins were too far away, so i was legit outside for three days on my own.

Couple Years Later

I just turned 16, my life has been nothing but running and surviving, gotten some friends at the age of 15, I'm done being the victim. I'm done running away. I became a bad boy, entered school having pitch black eyeliner on, my ripped jeans, a ripped up tank top and a bunch of chain accessories on. Everyone was scared of me, the school hallways would clear up once I was spotted, the bullies became my prey, the girls are my addiction, the alcohol and smoking is my life. Sneaking out and going off with friends is all I ever do now, we're breaking the laws, the curfew, we're spray painting along the concrete walls and running from police, one night I get caught and put in jail for a night. My mother, who has done everything she could do to raise me right is crying and disappointed seeing me behind the bars drunk and cussing up a storm shaking the bars, she shakes her head approaching me with tears in her eyes "you can't keep doing this Braydon, I didn't raise you to be like this!" I didn't take what she said to heart and just ignored the fact I was hurting her, I didn't say anything, I just wanted to break free and do it all over again. I was craving the adrenaline. Once I got brought home I passed out, the phone starts ringing like crazy, but I'm too tired to care. it's my girlfriend, Alexis. She's wanting me to come over once again because no one is home. my dad's screaming and hollering my name because I won't answer the phone, I was too wasted to talk. But just to shut him up I got up answering the phone, she's sweet talking me to come over for the rest of the night. I declined because I was too tired to walk to her house and stay with her. little did I know she had someone else on the line if I didn't go. I went back to bed, my dad came in yelling at me for not answering the phone and it woke him up. as usual he tries to attack but I drop him on the ground, he's too weak for me now. "Nice try, But I've been hitting the gym, been in gang fights, you're not laying a finger on me." I said as i went back to bed to pass out again. The next day I'm late for school again because under my shell I'm breaking and tired, the depression has gotten worse than ever before but I'm adjusting to this violent me, the "trouble maker" everyone wants to be. But I finally left to school. I noticed my girlfriend wasn't here. Odd, she's always with her friends outside of school...

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