Save Me

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I went to look for her, I called her name, there's none of her friends. Odd, again. But just as I went to my best friend Chris, or as I always call him, Chrissy. I saw her with another man in his father's red classic corvette, I have always called guys like him fuckboys, he seemed like one. but when I realized my girlfriend was with him, that bully shell broke off me and I was full of rage but broken, she was cheating on me with the man that slept with every girl in school, I was loyal to her, but she did that to me? what did I do to deserve this? I growled and headed up to the guy, slamming him against the corvette as my best friend came running up beside me to help, unlike me, my best friend was shy and sweet, but if someone is getting my wrath he was right beside me. I was mad at the guy before thinking about my girlfriend cheating on me. after beating him up, I ran away from school grounds. leaving my best friend all alone at school all day, I wasn't home for the whole day, I was just out in a parking lot crying and broken. feeling like I wasn't good enough. I opened my eyes realizing how much of a mess I was.

When I got home, later on, it was late, I didn't talk to anyone. I just stayed in my room drunk as could be. I couldn't see my own hand clearly. I was lost in my own dark world and ended up falling asleep. the next day, my mom comes in crying, and shakes me waking me up "Braydon! Braydon!!" I opened my eyes, having an intense migraine and bloodshot eyes "Y-Yeah? What's up?" she breaks down looking at me and says softly as her voice shakes "Christopher...h-he's gone!! h-he committed suicide last night..he was bullied all day yesterday" at hearing her words, I shattered, as I felt anger and depression hitting me I knew I shouldn't have left and had him unprotected, he always was bullied, why didn't he open up enough to tell me that they were hurting him that bad? why didn't he tell me!! Why didn't he call me and ask me to come help him cope with the depression!? I was broken...he was my closest friend I had, for two years I was a mess...I was almost 17 when I lost him, after I lost him, i found out my girlfriend was cheating on me with almost every man, the whole time we were dating, she was evil, she left me the second I crashed and dropped that bad boy act, the whole two years all i did was cut, drink, smoke, cry and always try to join my best friend. my brothers watched me every day, I always was trying to harm myself somehow. And it never stopped. I got more abused by my father for being weak, for being unable to fight back anymore. emotionally tearing me down piece by piece. that bad boy shell broke, the addictions of wanting to be bad dropped. my life was over. I slowly had to pick myself up... but even to this day I'm not fixed completely because something is still missing in my heart. This Is my story, this is who i was, this is what made me.

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