A Word From The Writer.

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I hope you enjoyed this book, I'm not a good writer, but I wanted to talk about what my past was like. I just wanna let those who have been abused, who have gone through the same things, who have broke and became a bad person, know you're not alone, it's okay to break, it's okay to run away from the monster that made you this way. know you're not alone. but just know, that no matter what or who comes along, you deep down are a good person, take the chance you're given to change into a better person, after becoming a bad person. don't let others put you down, don't let people hurt you so easily, because at the end of the day those people don't matter. the ones who build you up are the ones you need to care about. just know, all this abuse will be brought to justice one day, and if you are dealing with an abusive parent, sweetie there's things nowadays that are saving abused children, cry for help, you don't need to be silent anymore. Stay strong, it's rough and scary but don't let whoever is abusing you take control over you and knock you down, don't let them break you, the tougher you make yourself seem the less they'll make you the victim. if this book does well and everyone requests for more I might make another book. This book isn't made to encourage a bad change, or to encourage harming yourself, drinking, smoking, whatever else. this book is suppose to show what a kid goes through, how they feel, what can happen, and pretty much explains my life and childhood. not everything is in the book, but it's enough to show. thanks for reading! stay positive, because things get better :D

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