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Kagami and Kise got ready for the game giving each other provoking glares.

"Ne Blondie finished warming up?" Kagami said smirking spinning the ball in his index finger

"Let's make it simple if you scored 1 point you won if I scored I'll win, got it?". Kise said going on a denfensive position while Kagami went on offensive

Kagami went passed kise dribbling the ball but kise is fast he managed to steal the ball and went to the basket doing the move kagami did on practice he turned around fast to lose Kagami and shot.

"Yey I won~" Kise said grinning " Gomen ne but seeing your light is weak I'm taking back Kurokocchi". Kise said facing Kuroko

"Aho! Who do you think you are controlling your friends decision, Baka! he picked here for a reason". shouted Sakuragi already at the door.

Everyone in the gym is amazed at Sakuragi's word especially Huuga and Kise with sparks in their eyes

"Taiga I'll be going. I'll just go to your apartment. I know where it is don't worry". Sakuragi said waving to the team

Sakuragi's P.O.V
La la la I'm the basketball man la la la genius basketball man~ I kept sing happy. I went to the doctor  for the monthly check up and guess what?

"It's a great improvment Sir Sakuragi you are now able to play basketball again. You're injury healed remarkably fast". The doctor said happy and amazed at the said time

"Of course I'm a genius no injury can stop me bwa ha ha ha". Sakuragi said as he thumbs up and his other hand at his waist


As Sakuragi kept walking not caring where to go he suddenly stopped at a public basketball court hearing someone was playing he went near looking who's playing and saw a tall blue haired tan person playing unenthusiastically just moving around lazily and Sakuragi thinking his just bored with no one to play went and asked

"Oi want to play?". Sakuragi asked the blue haired guy

"..............".  The blue haired did not care, still playing

"Oi! Are you deaf? Wanna play?" Sakuragi tried again but receive the same treatment. Sakuragi getting annoyed stealed the ball from the blue haired's grasp shocking the the blue haired.

"So finally your gonna notice me. My name's Sakuragi Hanamichi a genius basketball man what's your name? Sakuragi said grinning happily.

"This is interesting, name's Aomine Daiki", Aomine said grinning looking back to life

"So how about a one on one? The loser is gonna treat the winner to a ice drop, deal?", Sakuragi said extending his hand looking happy, too happy to be exact.

"Heh, Deal! I know your gonna lose anyway", Aomine said accepting the hand with a smug look on his face "after all the one who can beat me is only me".



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