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Hello! please vote for my story and any kind of comments are accepted but please no bad words ^-^

The sight Aomine saw was unthinkable. Sakuragi was just standing there taking on a offensive position then the next thing he saw was a blur of red and the swish of the ball shooting on the net then bouncing on the hard floor of the court. 

"Heh! I won! looks like someone owns me a delicious ice drop~". Sakuragi said grinning smugly slowly turning around to see the face of a shocked Aomine.

"What the! one more round! let's play one more round". Aomine said almost shoving his face on Sakuragi.

"Eh?! but you said only one game and I have to go home by now or a demon will kill me! (Gulp! a very horrifying thought pass through his mind, a evolved gorilla strangling him to death and a nine-tailed fox laughing at his blue face) shuddering to that thought as Sakuragi steadily decline to Aomine's persistent invitations.

"Tch! come on follow me!". Aomine said while picking his ball putting it in his armpit.

"Huh?! why?! where?!'. Sakuragi said looking puzzled follwing after him".

"The ice drop you idiot! I owe you one!". Aomine said as he stop at a pedestrian lane, traffic signal on red.

"Oi! how dare you call me an idiot, you just lost to me hmmmpp! by the way what school do you go?". Sakuragi said as he eyed Aomine's uniform up and down.

"Too Academy". Aomine said simply opening the door to the store

"Hmm? Too Academy, Aomine Daiki right? Feels familiar". Sakuragi said while scratching his chin

"Of course you know me all basketball players do because I'M FAMOUS", Aomine said grinning from ear to ear, "by the way what flavor do you want?".

"Vanilla flavor". Sakuragi said as he peered over the ice pops at the mention of that Aomine jerks his head to him.

"What? You've fallen in love by this handsome genius? Bwa! ha!ha! Don't worry I know that feeling". Sakuragi said while slapping Aomine's back while nodding mockingly.

"What the!", Aomine slapped Sakuragi's head hard,"you just remind me of someone I know". Aomine payed at the cashier

"Ho! And who's this guy I bet his handsome like me". Sakuragi said as he received his hard earned ice pop

"I know you don't know him his name is Kuroko, my former teammate". Aomine said as he sucked on his Choco pop

"Hmm? His name is Tetsuya right? I just meet him earlier today". At the mention of that Aomine almost choked on his ice pop but before he could speak a ringtone of someone singing basketball man could be heard. Sakuragi hurriedly answer his  phone and ran off "Thanks for the ice pop Aomine. See you later". Sakuragi said as he waved.

Aomine's P.O.V
What the! that guy just ran on me but he knows Tetsu, how? As I keep thinking how he know Tetsu I saw green hair sticking up on a Stuff toy Shop only one person I who could this be. I went inside the shop and got near the green haired and my guess is right, it's Midorima

"Yo Midorima". I said to catch his attention

"Oh! Fancy seeing you here on a Stuff toy shop I didn't expect to see you here". Midorima said as he push Back his eyeglass while holding a green frog stuff toy with a blue night cap on with yellow stars.

"What's that for- Nevermind I know the answer". Aomine said as he shook his head, "by the way do you know a person named Sakuragi?". Aomine said as he turned serious

"Hmm? Sakuragi? What is his first name?". Midorima said curious to Aomine's sudden change of character

"Ah! Eh! Hanasushi? Hanamimi? Ah! Hanamichi his name is Hanamichi!". Aomine said happy he remembered

"Unfortunately I do not know this particular person however Akashi might know. Why do want to know?". Midorima said as he narrowed his eyes.

"..... he... beat me". Aomine said softly

"I may have heard wrong what did you say?". Midorima said disbelieving at what he heard

"I SAID HE BEAT ME TO BASKETBALL". Aomine shouted to Midorima causing other people at the store to look at them

"What? Seriously this is not the time to joke around". Midorima said as he let out a sigh

"I am not joking I met him today and we had a match and he won and I bought him ice pop as the prize of the bet and he said he knew Tetsu". Aomine said not stopping Midorima blinked at that and a ring could be heard. It was from Too Academy's basketball captain. Midorima just watched Aomine's retreating figure.

Midorima's P.O.V
Aomine is a strong player, idiot he may be but he is once ace of Generation of Miracles but someone just beat him today I wonder who is this Sakuragi Hanamichi but first I must report this to Akashi.

To: Red-haired sadist
     Akashi-san I have run into Aomine today and he said he was beaten to basketball by Sakuragi Hanamichi and he is also an acquaintance of Kuroko.

To: Horoscope Worshiper
      Ho! Someone managed to beat Aomine. This is interesting I will look information for this person and Midorima I suggest you change the name of SOMEONE'S  contact number.

Midorima shivered at that and thought how did he know?

Chapter End 

JCL logging out!

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