First full day home

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Sorry for the lateness I had to think of a story.

Destructive thoughts


Yuuri's POV

OH SHIT. I passed it without cleaning my wounds or cleaning up my mess. That was the first though that went through my head when I woke up the next day. I quickly got up wincing as they sudden movement caused my cuts to sting. I quickly cleaned my blade in the bathroom connected to my room. Then gently placed it back with the others, next on my frantic list was to clean the blood up off of my floor. After all was said and done I took a quick shower wincing every time the water came in contact with my cuts. I checked the time and it read 10:45 so I leisurely got dressed. I looked in my full length mirror and suddenly felt really bad once again. I really need to lose weigh I'm such a fat pig that eats everything in sight. I decided then to download a calorie counting app. I finished changing as the app downloaded. When I looked back at the clock it was 11:00, so I went downstairs knowing that I missed breakfast. I can easily blame missing breakfast on over sleeping from jet lag. I'll just go for a run to miss lunch then come eat something small for dinner. When I got downstairs I noticed Viktor was up and talking to my parents. I avoided eye contact and went straight to the door to put my running shoes on. Once they were on I looked up and almost had a heart attach because Viktor was right there and shouted, "where are you going!?" I simply said "I'm going out for a run." I then left before he could say anything more.

Viktor's P.O.V

I got up early and dressed as quickly as I could so I wouldn't miss breakfast. When I got downstairs I was greeted by Yuuri's mom. She said "breakfast will be done in a few, so go sit down at the table while I finish up." I did as she said and sat down at the table, sense I had to wait I started to let my mind wander. I wonder why Yuuri had looked so sad after I said he should take a picture of us together? And the day of the championship he left without a word to anyone after Yuri had left the bathroom I saw him enter in before. I should investigate after breakfast. After I said that Yuuri's mom, which I found outs name is Hiroko, came out with breakfast prepared. I ate quickly eager to investigate my new student. So while Hiroko and I start washing the dishes we used I started asking questions. "Hiroko do you by any chance know why Yuuri had looked so sad and depressed yesterday?" Her response was that "Yuuri has been dealing with depression for a few years now but he refuses to take pills claiming that they don't work." This explains part of it but I'm still curious as to his weight he looks skinny but keep wearing clothes too big for himself. So I decided to ask her "Do you know why he always wears clothes that look as though they are two sizes too big?" She simply responds with "bullying" that ended the conversation right there and by that point I heard Yuuri walk down the stairs. Instead of saying hello or anything he went straight to the door. I went over to ask where he was going. And right when he looked up to me I yelled "where are you going!?" And I saw him jump out of his skin and quickly mutter "I'm going out for a run." Then he left before I could get another word in. He seems very interesting and very on edge about my being here. After he left I made up my mind to go out and see the sights sense this is my first time getting to actually visit Japan. I took Makachin with me so he could get some exercise too.

Time skip ^.^

Yuuri's P.O.V
I had run for about an hour and a half and was starting to feel light headed. It must just be from my laziness I must push on. Those were my thoughts as I went on I had run around the beach about 10 times at this point my goal was to do 20. So I was really disappointed I myself when I tripped over air practically. Of course you trip over air all you do is fuck up and fail at anything you do. You are so useless why don't you just kill yourself already I've never thought of that before, maybe that would get rid of all my problems. The next thing I know I'm snapped out of my stupor by some one helping me up, I noticed that it was Viktor. "Are you okay? You took quite the fall there" he said. I just responded with "fine." I was in no mood to talk with people, at this time I would usually lock myself up in my room alone. Usually cutting myself to some extent in order to actually feel alive. Viktor just stared at me and I didn't know about that till he started talking to me again. "How long have you been running for?" he asked confused. "Only for an hour and a half, about 10 laps around the beach" was my response. I then got up and continued my run but instead of finishing I ran home I needed some relief in the only way I know how. When I got home it was 3pm so I told my mom "I'm going to take a shower then go to bed I'm too tired for dinner tonight." Luckily she accepted that explanation so I quickly went to my room locked the door and slid down it going into a full blown attack. I started balling my eyes out and whimpering wishing I was dead but not ever having the courage to actually do it. I went to my drawer and took out my dullest blade so that I would have to repeatedly cut the same spot causing more pain over time. I looked in the mirror at all the scars and fresh cuts in my fat ugly body. I made multiple cuts in my stomach more than I can count and they hurt more than you can imagine but I felt better. In a sad twisted way I felt free whenever my blood was being spilt from my own actions. After my cuts I took my shower and then got ready for bed, while in my shower I heard Viktor enter the house and knock on my door. I chose to ignore it to finish my shower and get ready for bed, I got out of the shower and changed into sleep ware. I went to sleep feeling free and calm once again after the pain from my cuts helped me fall asleep.

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