The ice castle

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I will add a picture later

Normal talking
Destructive thoughts


Yuuri's POV

By the time I woke up it was already sunny out and was blinding me through my windows. I then take my phone out and see that it's already 10 so decide I better start getting ready when all of a sudden a sharp pain from both of my arms woke me fully. Oh yeah, I forgot about those. The next thing that I hear is my phone going crazy with notifications. So of course I look at what all the commotion was and the get a call from Yuko. " I'M SO SORRY!!!!" She screamed at me. "Why what's there to be sorry about?" I asked clearly confused. "What you haven't seen, my stupid children posted the video of you skating Viktor's skate and then all of a sudden it went viral". Omg no why was that posted. Yes it was posters now you probably ruined Viktor's whole reputation, with you fat ass skating his routine. What why are you here I just cut to get you away. It's all you not me. What did it mean by that? I hung up the phone and decided to get dressed I dressed in a simple sweater and jogging pants and went downstairs to leave. But as fate would have it my mother asked if I would like some breakfast. " no sorry but I just really want to practice to do good this year" i told her it was all a lie though because I had my blade in the pocket of my pants. She just sighed and I left I decided to jog to the ice rink and skated a few laps before a sheet of dread came over me as I remember the conversation this morning I had with Yuko about the video. People all over the world saw that video and they all probably think your just a stupid copycat that can't even jump a salchow correctly without touching the ground. Maybe your right. I felt into my pant pocket and took out the blade that I had, and decided to just cut my wrists right there and then because I hated this feeling of dread that came over me. The only way to get rid of it was to cut to let all the emotions slowly slide out of my body. I'm doing this for myself not for anyone else. So I just laid the blade across my wrist and put pressure to break skin but not enough to actually cut the artery I don't want to kill myself just yet I still have a little hope. I think. After I cut About five lines I just put the blade back and rolled my sleeves down and went to the locker room to change. I then decided to head home which I did at a full out run to punish myself. When I got there my mother said there was someone I should meet in the hot springs so I was going to head to my room to change but before I got very far I was knocked off my feet by a huge poodle. " vicchan please get off me" then I realized this isn't Vicchan he died last year. So then whose was it? Oh no this can't be is this Viktor's poodle. Is the person my mother wants me to meet Viktor in OUR hot springs!?! After that I quick ran to the hot springs and there he was Viktor Nikiforv my idol. " Yuuri! It's nice to meet you. I saw potential in your skating so hear I am to be your coach". He said. He must be lying I'm a worthless skater I can barely land a triple lutz. " is this a sick joke you would never want a student that is as lame at skating as I am" I said.


"Is this a sick joke you would never want a student that is as lame at skating as I am" Yuuri had said about himself. In that moment I realized that he definitely had some confidence issues that we need to work on. " based off the video I saw you are anything but lame you landed almost every jump perfectly. I'm just here to help you perfect those skills you have, your just a diamond stuck in rocks just waiting to be let free to shine beautifully". After I had dead that Yuuri's face immediately went to a bright red. Aww he's so cute....... wait what am I saying I'm I here to be his coach not his lover. After that I saw him wince a little and he immediately turns to leave, that also held a red flag in my head that there is indeed some other unknown issue that he has, and I intend to find out.

Yuuri's POV

Viktor probably thinks I'm just a fat lazy person who can jump. Yes that is exactly what he is thinking at this moment. No I must not listen to you. The next thing I know is that I'm in my room with the door locked. I then hear a knock "wh-who's there?" I ask questionably. "It's Viktor". He probably just wants to make fun of you. Shut up. I then decide to just open the door. "Yes, what do you want?" I asked. "I was just wondering if you have anymore problems other than your lack in confidence?" He said almost too calmly. " Umm..... what do you mean??" I try to play it off. Maybe I shouldn't hide it, maybe he could help me. Ha who would want to help you? " well since im gonna be your coach I might as well get to know my students issues". The next thing I know I'm dragging him into my room and I lock the door.

Viktor's POV

All I know is that I'm pulled into his room and I hear the door lock. So I look up at Yuuri. " Um what was that for?" I ask calmly. He looks completely shaken. " um well what I'm about to tell you you can't tell anyone." He said. "Hmm? Alright let's hear it" I told him.

Yuuri's POV

Viktor said he wouldn't tell any one but I still don't know so I'll just tell him that I have extreme anxiety. " well the only other issue that I have is severe anxiety that I take meds for but they don't really help" I told him it's not a total lie but it's a lie in itself. " Alright is that it? that's the secret" he asks. " yup, now would you mind leaving, I need to get some sleep" he then exits the room after saying goodnight. Thank god he didn't ask anymore questions. I think this as I slowly fall into a restless sleep.

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