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Surprisingly, it was raining today in Los Angeles, California.

It was raining so much, that we had to cancel the shooting for today, not that I was excited for it anyways.
Seeing as everyone was packing up and leaving, because, god forbid that a drop of rain touches Vanessa's recently blow dried hair and caked face.
Anyways, I spotted that the snack table was empty, so I quickly made a run for it.
Thank god for kryspy kreme donuts and lays potato chips.
As I brought a delicious glazed donut to my mouth, I heard a voice behind me.
"Babe, Scooter is expecting you in his office"
Ah, of course, it was none other than famous model Vanessa Moe.
"Tell Scooter I'll be right there, V"
"Sure thing, babe"

God, how it annoyed me when she called me that. Not because I wasn't into her or anything, it just that, it reminds me of what caused me and Ally to break up. It started with little pet names like that, not from me, but from him.

But that's another story, for another day folks.
Right now I couldn't be moping about Ally, I had to go to Scooter's office.
So, there I was, sitting in a leather chair whilst eating my glazed donut.
I was sitting across from V, and I noticed that Zayn had walked in.
I quickly greeted him, and he sat next to me.
We were all waiting for Scooter.

After getting into a conversation with Zayn and Vanessa, about how buzzfeed came to be, Scooter finally showed up.

"That's what I said, Buzzfeed is totally involved with the New World Order(what Vanessa calls the Iluminatti), but noooo, (Y/N) here thinks that it just became relevant from one day to another!!"
"It could've just become famous because of one article, V"
"Believe what you want, (Y/N) but Buzzfeed is totally involved with all that shit"
"Sureeee, V"

We were so engrossed in the conversation that I didn't even notice that Scooter finally showed up.
But by the look on his face, he wasn't amused.
"I personally believe that Buzzfeed is on some shady shiz, but I didn't meet you all so we could talk about that"
"Really, awwww" Vanessa pouted, while Zayn took what was left of my donut.

"I gathered all of you here today because-"
"Technically, you didn't, you just gathered Zayn, because my sister and Vanessa had a photoshoot."
Scooter went to argue, but once he saw Lauren at the door, he looked at me.

But before I could speak, Vanessa had to open her mouth.
"Oh, Heyyy Laur, its always a pleasure." She also winked, ugh.
"Yeah, I know I look pleasurable, but I came to discuss my sister's recent behavior towards Camila leaving the band."
Scooter looked between me and Zayn, and then at Lauren, who looked as if she would cry or explode at any second.
"Well, Miss Jauregui, if you would've let me finish, I came to discuss that here too."

Lauren raised her eyebrows and gave him a pointed look.
"Carry on then, Mister Braun."
I looked at Vanessa for a second and she looked very amused.
"Ok, as you all know, in an interview with Clevver, (Y/N) wasn't the most-"

"Oh, excuse me but, my sister was a straight up bitch, Scooter"
"Heyyy! If anything, I was a gay ass bitch!"
Lauren rolled her eyes at the comment, but I guess Vanessa found it funny, seeing as she was snickering.
"Don't you start Lauren, all she did was defend you and the girls!! So what if she exposed Camila on twitter after, we all know she deserved it!"
"Oh my god, Zayn, all you do is defend her, so why don't you get-"
"Why?! So you can torment her like you did in high school? Huh Lauren?!"
"Guys!, that's enough," Scooter said, and made Lauren sit down.

"Ok, lets rewatch the interview." He said and Lauren scoffed, which made me glare at her.
Lauren opened her mouth, but Vanessa cut her off.
"Shut up, Lauren, its starting"
"You guys, today is a great day, since we have Y/N and Zayn joining us today!! Hi guys! How are you?" The interviewer, Joslyn (the annoying one) I think, she said.
"We are very good, thank you" Zayn spoke for the boat of us.
"Thats great! Anyways, we brought you here today to talk about your upcoming album and some sexy photo shoots you guys got going on!"

Zayn and I both chuckled, and she got on with the interview.
It was going quite nice, I would say, she asked about our album, which was yet to be released, she also asked about our relationships, and our photoshoot for Calvin Klein with Vanessa Moe.
Then we talked about Harry's album, and the lads other's singles.

I was zoning out, until she asked about Fifth harmony, which was strange, since I hadn't heard about the girls in a while.

"So, (Y/N) have you heard about Camila leaving Fifth Harmony?"
"I'm sorry, what did you say?"
She looked very annoyed, so she pressed more into the subject.
"You know, the drama of today? You must have heard about it, considering that you are very active in social media and that your sister and her girlfriend, are, I mean, your sister's girlfriend, was in the band, speaking about that, they must have broken up, right?"
She looked at my shocked expression and smirked, while pressing the microphone into my face.

I snatched the microphone from her hand and and replied,
"You know what Joslyn, let me ask you a question."
I didn't let her reply, as I said,
"Am I in Fifth Harmony?"
"No, that's right, my sister is, not me, and no I didn't even know Camila left the band, until you so sweetly mentioned it, and just because she's in the band, it doesn't mean that my world just suddenly revolves around her and her friends."

"Did they break up?" She smirked.
"Seeing as Camila isn't the most loyal person, they might have."
The look on her face was priceless.
"Well, that's all we have time for today, thanks for watching, and make sure to subscribe!"
"Wait, that was all?" Vanessa pouted.
"Before we discuss what the hell are going to do, (Y/N), you didn't tell me you also went on Twitter and addressed Camila."

"Ummmm, yeahhh Scooter about that..."
"Y/N!!! You said what?!" Lauren yelled.
"She actually didn't say anything, she tweeted it." Zayn said making Lauren scoff.
She quickly handed the phone to Scooter, and he displayed it on the tv.
Lauren's phone displayed the tweets.

@camila_cabello:Loyalty is key🔑.

@y/t/n: @camila_cabello seeing as you were so loyal to my sister and the girls, huh.

@camila_cabello:@y/t/n: I wouldn't talk about loyalty w/ you, seeing as you have quite the experience with it, hun.

@y/t/n: @camila_cabello: At least I know what loyalty is, hun. Also we all know it isn't you who's going to be talking with me, seeing as your representatives do everything these days, huh.

Scooter looked shook. He quickly went and pulled me in a hug, and also Lauren joined too.
"Oh, (Y/N) I'm sorry I was kind of a bitch earlier, it's just that management has been on all our asses, and this just blew up and-"
"Shhh, Laur its ok, I get it, you're just stressed."
Zayn looked at me with wide eyes, and Vanessa was retweeting everything.
"Holy fuck babe, that was amazing"
"What did we talk about, V?, only I say that to (Y/N)"
"It's not fair, just because you're gay and engaged to Liam-"
"He can say it, because he doesn't mean anything by it, V."
Vanessa looked down, obviously embarrassed.

"Well, (Y/N) it looks like the press is living for this, and seeing as Camila won't respond by now, everyone thinks you've won this Twitter war."
"Yay!, now we can all leave in peace!!"
"Not so fast, (Y/N) and Zayn, you guys are still performing your new single tomorrow, so be there early tomorrow, ok?"
"Yes, sir"
"You can leave now, I guess."
"Already on that, bye scoot-scoot!"

A/N: WELP!! There's the first part of my story! It's not that bad, huh? Well, I hope you guys liked it! Be sure to comment what you think and to vote! It means a lot to me!
Also this chapter is kinda dedicated to @pizzafucker because they actually gave me that little push to actually write this story! So um thanks:)
Have a great day/night! See you all later!

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