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As I drove to the restaurant Ally was currently at, sHe came on the radio and we started singing along to me and Zayn's song.
Vanessa asked me who the song was about and I confessed that it was about her, and that Zayn chipped in some parts about his fiancé, but that the song was still mostly about her.
She told me that she was flattered that I had written a song about her, and that she would repay me later.
I started to protest, saying that she didn't have to do anything, but she cut me off saying that we had arrived, and that Ally didn't seem so pleased with our appearance.

I mean, we certainly didn't look as if we were doing another thing that wasn't fucking, but she could at least smile a little, right?

"Hey, it's been a while hasn't it?" I greeted the shorter girl with a hug.
She bit her lip, before giving me a short smile.
"Yep. I missed you though."
"Same here, Alls." I shot her a dimpled smile as I opened the door for her.

"Soo, why did that asshat leave you here?" Vanessa said as she climbed into the backseat.
I smacked her arm in response.
"Oh, um, we had a little discussion and he left." "He was the one who picked me up, and he took the car, leaving me with no ride."
She answered with a shrug.

"Ah, I see. Hasn't he texted you or anything? Or are you going to let him blow some steam?"
As Ally answered I looked at her through the mirror. She looked beautiful, with tear stains and all.
Ally and Vanessa resumed their conversation as I drove us back to my apartment.

We all got settled in and Vanessa went to take a shower. I went to set up the guest room for Ally while she was playing with my pets.

After a few minutes Ally appeared, leaning against the doorframe.
"Hey, thanks for this, I really expected for you to not pick me up." "It was nice of you and Vanessa."
"Really, Allyson? Did you really expect me to not pick you up? After that douchebag left you, alone in a restaurant?" "Do you think that low of me?" I said to the shorter girl with a sarcastic smile, as I set out some clothes for her to sleep in. "I know this isn't the first time this has happened."

"I didn't know if you were going to pick me up, because you didn't answer at first. But don't worry, I could see you were preoccupied with Vanessa." She responded, mirroring the smile I had given her earlier.
I left her clothes on the bed and told her that if she needed anything, that I would be right next door. She already knew my apartment, so I really didn't have to explain anything to her.
As I was exiting the room, Ally bid me goodnight, leaving me alone until Vanessa came out.

I sat on the couch and buried my head in my hands, sighing. Calypso came up and cuddled in my lap. Krypto came in shortly, licking my cheek excitedly.
"Aw, you look so cute, baby."
I turned my head at the voice and smiled at Vanessa.
"Come join us, V." I said patting the space next to me.
Vanessa then came to where I was sitting, and proceeded to sit on my lap, kissing me softly.
"I love how the hickeys look on you."
"They look hot."

"Thanks" I replied, I could feel my face blushing.
"So, you and Ally, huh?" The taller girl asked as she snuggled Calypso.
"We were together for quite some time, until she blew it, she cheated on me like three times."
"I'm sorry to hear that, you're so  beautiful and caring, how could anyone cheat on you?"
"I don't know, maybe I wasn't enough for her?" "I just hope she's happy with him, after all that's happened. She deserves the best."
"You still care, don't you?"
"Of course I do, I don't think I'll ever stop, since she was my first kind of everything, she means a lot to me."
"But, just because she's happy with him, doesn't mean you can't be happy with me."

I sighed at the question.
"Honestly, I don't know how I feel towards you,  you're such a great person, and you're like beautiful, gorgeous even."
"But?" She asked with a nervous smile.
"You haven't really showed any interest?"
"If fucking you, giving you hickeys and calling you baby or babe all the fucking time doesn't mean interest, then I don't know what does."
She responded with her eyebrows furrowed and visible anger on her face.
"I guess you do show interest then, V." I answered with a smile.
"I think we should try and see how it goes between us, okay?"
She chuckled before answering, "Just kiss me you fool."

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