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"Hey guys! I'm here with rising singers (y/n) and Zayn!" "How are you guys?, it feels so good  to have you here!"

"Well, it feels good to be here too." I responded with a smile.
"Let's get started on the interview, shall we?"
"As you wish, ummm...." Zayn trailed off.
"Keith! From buzzfeed!"
"Right... Keith!"

"Okay! What were both of your inspirations behind the songs you've just performed?" "You guys wrote them, right?"
"Yes, yes we did." Zayn answered.
"Umm, that is a very good question, Keith, for me, I'm going to say two very special people have inspired me to write some of the songs, with Z, of course."
"First off, one person made me feel a lot of things, mostly serendipity, on the good days and anger most of the days." "And after all the confusion and mixed emotions, I still love that person very much, because she's all I've known." "She really has inspired me."
"But on the other hand- no Keith I'm not finished- there's this other person that's making me feel amazing, she makes me feel happy, and when I'm with her my problems fade away, it's very nice, relaxing almost." "So she's also an inspiration behind the songs."
I answered with a smile.

"And for me, my inspiration behind the songs is my fiancé Liam, who makes me the happiest man alive, I'm really lucky to have him, he's the best."
Keith smiled at both of our answers and carried on with the interview, he was a really nice guy actually, and very funny too.

"So (y/n) can one of your inspirations be named as Vanessa Moe?"
I only smirked at his question.
"I guess you could say that, Keith."

He just laughed, and kept asking questions.

"Sadly that's all we have time for today, make sure to check out (y/n) and Zayn's songs! Also don't forget to like and comment!" "This is Keith sining off, have a nice day!"

"And cut! Fantastic you guys, you too Keith!" The cameraman, Adam, shouted.
We said our goodbyes and headed back to our dressing room.

"So, have you guys decided where too? I'm hungry." I said as we stepped in the room.

"Actually, we have, babe."
" It's going to be.... drumroll please!!!!"
"Joe's pizzeria, fun for all ages!!" Camila said, as she made jazz hands.
"Sure, lets go." I said as I grabbed my wallet and phone.
"Really? I thought-"
Before she could finish her sentence, Louis cut her off. "She doesn't care, C. The girl is very hungry, so get a move on."
Everyone laughed at the comment, except Camila and me. While she was busy pouting, I frowned at the thought of running into the girls and what they would have to say, you know, since we're hanging out with Camila and all.

As we were walking, Vanessa grabbed my hand, while Camila positioned herself next to me.
We were on our way to the car, but our journey was abruptly stopped by my sister and her friends. (I'm sorry, I totally meant step-sister)

"Wow, Ally would you look at that!" "It looks as if my sister is using not one but two girls to get over you! And one of them is my ex, and our  ex band member!" "You've really made it this time, haven't you sissy?"

I could hear Vanessa saying something like "don't get on her level, ignore her." Sadly,her comment was ignored since I really couldn't understand her, because of how thick her accent came out and the fact that Camila had just stopped waking, she stood there paralyzed.
She just looked at me, mouth agape and eyes wide and crystallized, almost as if she were to cry. "You know I would never, right?" "I-I'm sorry i-if you-" I cut her off by pulling her into the car.
"Our conversations are always a pleasure, sis!" And with that, we left.

fOol fOr yoU ⇢ Ally BrookeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant