Chapter 5

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Amanda's POV

Izzy fell asleep faster than I expected too. Since I wasn't tired, I stared up at the ceiling and let my mind drift off. I didn't know how long I was awake for when I felt my eyes lids drop and I fell sleep after that.

I didn't even know how long I was asleep for when I was awoken by a racket coming from outside. Groggily, I sat up in bed and check the time. 10:47. To me, I haven't been asleep for very wrong. I grumbled nothings to myself and laid back in bed when I heard a loud crash outside my window. I couldn't take it. I swear, if the neighborhood kids where out there playing in the forest next to my house, I will chase them with a stick.

Hey, no one messes with me sleep.

I threw my covers back and stormed over to my window. I peered through the glass, expecting to see the kids taunting me and throwing rocks. But instead, I saw nothing. It was a clear night, and the moon and stars were shining brightly. Confused, I scanned the bottom of the trees but saw nothing. Huh. Maybe it was just my imagination. I was about to go back to bed when something flashed at the corner of my eye.

My first thought: my symbols. But my symbols were black, not red. I walked back over to the window and squinted harder, trying to look for the source that was keeping me awake. And then, I saw him.

I froze, my blood turning to ice and my heart pounding. He found us. I heard Ratchet talk about him in base and contact him quickly we meet...Knockout. The red decepticon was staring straight at my window.

At me.

I gasped and slowly backed away from the window. Knockout must've gotten strong ratings of power from me and Izzy being together. Thank goodness Izzy knows about the 'cons and 'bots now. I hurried over to her side and dropped next to her, frantically shaking her shoulder.

"Izzy! Izzy, wake up!" I whisper-shouted. I could see Knockout coming closer to the window. "Izzy!" I shoved her and she gave a snort before she groggily sat up. "Amanda?" She yawned and stretched her arms. "Is it morning already?" I wish. "Come with me," I said and pulled her up. "What the-what's wrong?" Izzy was wide awake now and her emerald green eyes widened when I pointed toward the window, where the 'con medic was lingering. "Knockout?" Izzy whispered. I nodded my head and dragged her out of my room, silently closing my bedroom door after us.

Izzy regained her balance and she stared at, her eyes wide and her mouth dangling open. "Knockout? Why is he here?" She hissed to me. I put my finger on my lips and gestured down the hallway, wheee there was another window. "Follow me," I whispered. While dragging Izzy away, I had managed to snatch our phones. I handed her her phone and tip-toed down the stairs, my phone in my hand. "What are we going to do?" Izzy asked when we reach the bottom of the stairs. I chewed my lip.

"If we don't get of the house, Knockout is going to shoot at us. Or should I say at the house," I said. I pointed toward the kitchen, where the backdoor was. "We're going to have to make a run for it. Luckily, when we reached the forest I can pick up a signal and called Ratchet. He should be awake," I said and glanced at me watch. Izzy glanced up the stairs. "But my medical kit and tool belt are still in your room!" She protested. "I have to go get them!" She started up the stairs but I grabbed her arm.

"It will be too risky, Izzy. We'll get caught," I said. "We'll pick up your stuff later. Right now, we have a problem in our hands." Izzy nodded and slipped beside me. Together, we tip-toed into the kitchen. "Duck!" I suddenly hissed and pushed Izzy down. There was a window near the back door and I can see Knockout's peds, poking around our house, no doubt.

"Knock, knock," the 'con medic's deep voice almost made me jump out of my skin. Izzy was holding back a scream by clasping her hand over her mouth. "I know you're in there. Why not come out and greet your guest?" Knockout racked his claws down the side of our house. I held my chin up. There was no way I was going to let him get to us!

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