How they react to you being trained in combat (Requested)

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Sansa watches you from Winterfell's training yard. You train with her brothers but you didn't learn quickly so you were always knocked off your feet. Everyone would laugh as you fell but Sansa was the only one that would reach a hand out to help you up.


Arya was your trainer so she tried to teach you the 'dance' she learned to help her but instead, you used the wooden stick she gave you and knocked her down everytime she wasn't looking. You giggled at her frustration.


Dany had her Unsullied train you for combat. After long and hard months of training, you were almost as good as one of them. "There's only one difference between you and them." Dany said. "I have balls?" You chuckled. "Yes, but I need you to be all in for my cause." She said. "Wait what?" You asked super nervous. She laughed as it was joke and you sighed in relief.


Margeary had her brother train you in combat. Since you were getting the hang of things quickly, it was only a matter of time before you knocked the weak boy to his butt. You and Margeary both laughed as he became upset from his failure.


Cersei had the best of the kings guard train you. You were nervous to fail in front of your love and her sipping her wine while watching you like a hawk made you feel intimidated. As a joke, she had the Mountain come out and stand nearby just to scare the shit out of you.


Brianne had tried to train you but she became frustrated with your inability to learn very quickly. To show her you weren't so bad, you challenged Podrick and won VERY easily, and Brianne was so pleased she continued the lessons.

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