Make up to cheating?

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You confronted her after finding out. The young lord wasn't even that handsome in your opinion.

You: How could you do something like that?

Sansa: You know I didn't mean to! If you weren't gone all the time and I wasn't so lonely...

Y: I thought you loved me!?

Sansa: I do but I didn't know what to do.

You: You could've waited!

Sansa: How long?? You've been gone for months!!

Before you got really angry you left the room.


You confronted Gendry


Him: How dare I what?

You:*punches him* A bastard like you shouldn't be touching her when you know I'm with her!

He gives you a confused look as you stomp away.


Arya: (Y/N)! I can't believe you would hurt my friend!

You: Yeah I'm sure he was just a friend..

Arya: I swear! You need to trust me for once!

You: Trust you? I see how you talk to him! I cannot believe you!

Arya: Stop, he's just a friend!

You: Stop, or what? You gonna put my face on that damn wall you kept talking about?


It was night and you were on the boat to dragonstone once again. You couldn't sleep knowing what was going on with Dany and Jon. You refused it but nothing hit you harder than this. Dany approaches you in an elevated mood.

Dany: Are you well? It's late, shouldn't you get some rest?

You remain silent.

Dany: (Y/N), what's going on?

You: I should've known.

Dany: Known what?

You: By the way he looked at you and back it him. How close he would stand with you and defend you. You loved every second of it.

Dany: No, I love you.

You look away and your voice becomes shaky.

You: No you don't. You've fallen for him. Fire and Ice, that's how things work.

Dany: Well what would you expect? We need allies and this was the only way?

You: The only way?! He bent the knee already, you stone hearted bitch!

You didn't mean that but you were too angry to care. She walked away with heavy breath to avoid an awful argument.


Her chambers: Night time.

You: I know what happened.

Cersei: I know. I'm sorry you had to find out the way you did.

You: I thought you loved me. He's your brother for god sakes!

Cersei: You knee we were always close. You knew he had three children. And you knew what you were getting into when it came to loving me.

You: Love is not competition, but how would you know, you have no heart.

She looks at you, tightening the grip on her wine glass. She gives you an agreed look but smirks instead. You stand behind her, her back to you.

Cersei: Leave my chambers now. I could have your head whenever I want, and that's no way to talk to your Queen. Know your place.

The Mountain comes from around the corner and throws you out.


The Gardens: Day time.

You walk together even though it's cloudy and a cold day. Her style has changed and her attitude too. She seems more saddened because she has to be more careful. She was stressed and it bothered you, but not as much as the "cheating".

You: I know it hasn't been easy in these times but... I love you with all of my heart.

She looks at you with warm eyes, and smiles slightly.

M: You've been so strong for me. I know I've changed but only because I'm watched all the time. I have to act brainwashed around these high sparrow associates. I'm so sorry if I e worried you. You know I love you so much.

She squeezes your hands tightly, being sincere from the bottom of her heart. Your heart skips a beat but the Tommon situation still stabs at you.

You: Thank you.. but there's something I need to know.

M: Anything.

You: you and Tommon.. you didn't like it did you?

M: He's so young and I love you, so of course not. You know I had no choice. It meant nothing, I swear.

You: I love you.

HI YALL I CAME BACK. I have a few more ideas after the end of the series so I thought why not, and also more people are wanting me to come back so yeah. It feels good to be back, and I'm sorry I left out of no where.

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