What Their Friends/Family Think Of You

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Jon was a bit protective of Sansa around you but came to liking you after a while. Arya never had a great relationship with Sansa so she was like whatever and Littlefinger was plotting any way to keep you away from Sansa.


With Gendry and Hot Pie, they actually liked you but when Ayra was trying with Jaquen H'gar, he disliked you and so did that girl that tried to kill Arya. When you and Arya made it to Winterfell, Sansa gave a warm welcoming to you.


Most of her family is dead so there's that but everyone that was on council liked and respected you. Missandi didn't know about you at first but when she saw you pour every ounce of love you had to Dany, she was happy you two were together and Trying just adored you because you would drink and joke with him.


Olenna and Loras really liked you. You had a love for Margeary that they adored and accepted. But Joffery and Tommen never liked you because they always thought you and Margeary were too close. Her dad even questioned you and her relationship and was always weird around you.


You and Jaime never really liked each other but you both had a mutual respect for each other because you both knew you would do anything for Cersei. Joffery despised you but Myrcella(sorry if I spelt it wrong) and Tommen actually really adored you. And her new hand(can't remember his name lol) didn't know how he felt around you but always acted as if he were trying to figure you out.


Podrick and Sansa really liked you because of your courage, kindness, and bravery. You showed them this when you saved them both from attacks. But on the other hand, Ginger Beard (I think his name is Tormund), hated you because he loved her.

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