Chapter 1

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 It all started when we pulled up to the driveway, that pebble like stone filled driveway that looked like it went a mile back to the big old stone brick house with the black door that looked as though someone had burnt it down and then tried to put the charcoaled pieces back together. It had old black smudged like windows with wooden shutters on the outside, and at the beginning of the pebble like stone filled driveway there was an old black metal mailbox that hung on a black metal pole stuck in the ground.

I then looked up out the car window at the house

"mom? is this the house?"

"yes, Alisha it is, why?"

"It looks, I don't know, old and kind of creepy don't you think?"

"no it's not creepy, it is old but not creepy. You just need to give it a chance." 

  We get out of the car and start to unload all of our stuff from it.We start walking down the driveway and I felt weird but I just shake it off as if I am only feeling like this because it is a old house that is new to me and I am not use to it. As we get closer to the house it starts to feel weirder and weirder as though someone is watching every step we take while walking towards the hundreds of concrete steps it takes to get to the front door of this ridiculously creepy old house and once again I just brush it off as if it is only because it is a new-old house. Of course mom doesn't notice because she just wants to get everything inside since it is freezing and the middle of February.

Mom and I have just moved from Los Angeles,California to Regina,Saskatchewan so we have to wait for the Uhaul to make a trip of 1,719 miles to bring us all of our furniture and stuff that we could not fit in the car. Obviously our stuff is not going to be here within the first night because the people driving the Uhaul are not in as much of a hurry as we are or rather as mom is because I did not want to move since moving all the way from Los Angeles to Regina meant leaving my friends and moving to a strange place where I don't know anyone but I definitely did not want to stand in the way of mom getting a great new job so I didn't give that much of a fight about moving all the way to the middle of nowhere at least that is how it felt to me at the time and still does. 

 It's night now, mom and I are blowing up the mattress to sleep on and getting pillows and blankets because we are going to have a slumber party type thing for the two of us since this is a new house and we have no real beds. I roll over to say something to mom but she is already sleeping. I close my eyes and I am almost asleep, I am more asleep than I am awake but something wakes me up, I feel something touch my arm, it feels like a little hand and it startles me. I convince myself that it is just my imagination running wild because it can't possibly be anything else since me and mom are the only ones in the house and mom is sleeping right beside me, plus there is the fact that I am skeptical about ghosts and the supernatural. I manage to make myself forget about what I felt on my arm long enough for me to fall asleep.

 In the afternoon of the next day the Uhaul arrives to the house and we get all our stuff. When I finally got all the boxes and everything in my room I realize what color the walls are. The walls in my room are hotter than hot pink walls,it's like if you imagine the hottest pink you can think of times 10, they are the most pink someone could ever see in their entire life and I'm not exaggerating either, but never mind that the walls are that pink because so is the carpet, the curtains and the back of the door. It was the most terrifying, revolting color I've ever seen, it is just too much pink for anyone to handle.Before we unpacked or put anything anywhere we ripped up the carpet in my room so that there is a wooden floor, then we went and bought white paint. We paint the walls and the back of the door and got rid of the curtains so now the room is white and bright and looked much bigger than it really was. I unpack and organize my room, I left and went downstairs to the kitchen to get some water out of the fridge, I start to tell mom about how last night when I was almost asleep I felt a little hand touch my arm but right away my mom says it was just my imagination and as soon as she says that I say

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