Chapter 2

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"I don't understand, how can you not know what is wrong with my daughter? You're doctor's, you're suppose to know all of this stuff aren't you?"

The doctor's don't know what to say, they don't want to make mom upset but they have to ask her something, but they need me to leave the room so I can't hear. So I did, they are talking, I can see them and their lips moving through the glass window but I can't make out what they are saying all of a sudden mom starts getting upset and I see a tear run down her face as she is talking, then she looked at me, then back at the doctor's and wipes her tears away.

We leave the hospital in a hurry, mom couldn't wait to get out of there I mean she does work in a hospital a lot so she probably doesn't like spending her free time there but still there is something about mom right now that didn't seem right, like she was upset, she was sad, I could sense it, I guess because we are so close. I try to get mom to tell me why she was crying at the hospital when she was talking to the doctor's but she won't tell me I just get

"it's not important"


"don't ask it was nothing, I was just upset that they don't know what is wrong."

She never actually told me why but yet I knew that she wasn't telling the truth, the rest of the ride home was silent and I hated it for some reason, I don't usually hate when it's quiet I guess I just feel like I hate it right now because I really want to know what happened at the hospital and mom won't tell me.

We got home and mom asks if I am still hungry and I said yes obviously if your stomach hurts and it's like a hungry pain then you are going to say yes I am still hungry, mom made me lunch but even after I ate all my lunch I still have that awful gut wrenching hunger in my stomach so I eat some more but no matter how much I eat the pain I was feeling would not stop. Mom took me to the hospital, a different one this time to see what was wrong and they told us the same thing the other doctors said, that they have never seen it and don't know how to treat it or make it go away, mom took me to five different hospitals and they all said the same exact thing and I am starting to get scared now,

"mom what's happening to me, what's wrong with me? It hurts and it won't go away... Just make it stop please make it stop"

"I know all of the doctors keep telling us the same thing, I don't understand what's going on."

It hurts so bad that all I want to do is cry and curl up in a ball on the floor.The doctors made us stay overnight so they could try and figure out what is wrong with me and what is in my blood.

So the night goes on and I'm perfectly fine like the pain goes away, it's morning now and I'm sleeping peacefully, mom is in a chair right beside my hospital bed but she's awake all of a sudden I wake up but I don't just open my eyes and lay there for a couple minutes like a normal person, No I wake up like a crazy person I wake up to myself screaming and as soon as I started screaming I sat up straight and my eyes opened, it was like instant scream and sit up the doctors come rushing in and I stopped screaming and I looked around and asked mom why the doctors were in my room and she told me

"mom it hurts again make it go away, please mom please just make it go away"

it hurts so bad and we couldn't figure out how to make it stop so they did more tests on me but nothing they still had no clue what they were doing so they just let us leave to go home. For the rest of the day I drink water, eat food and lay in bed but nothing works I am starting to feel like I will always feel like this and that no one will ever be able to make it stop but I end up falling asleep.

I get up because I hear laughing but it's like a little kids laugh so it was more like giggling then laughing, so I get up out of bed and go see what it is and if it is coming from the guest bedroom again like the last time. I go over to the door and it is wide open because we don't use the guest bedroom and I see them again the two little kids, the twins, I walk in slowly kneel down beside them, they didn't move, they just looked at me I looked at both of them

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