Chapter 4

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"Ty, why are you looking at me like that? It's creepy"

"OH, silly girl... I told you. You can run, you can hide, but I will always be by your side"

Honestly, I wanted to do something to get Ty back but the demon thing was in him or possessed him and I don't know how to get it out. I start to freeze up but then something inside me just flickered almost as if someone was turning on a switch in my head that made everything make sense and make me be able to do anything. All at once without even thinking about it very firmly I say

"Alright, you had your little fun with me but you're not going to be doing anything with Tyler. Get out of him now and go back to where you belong because you don't belong here"

"Oh Alisha, I think you're mistaken because I didn't "have" my little fun with you." 

In a really creepy voice he says

"I'm still having my fun with you"

Tyler starts chasing me but I have to remember it's not really him it's the demon inside of him. As long as I remember that I will be okay. He caught up to me and knocked me down to the ground then I remembered that she doesn't like light so I opened the curtains and all of a sudden Tyler falls to the ground as if his knees gave out under him, his mouth opens and black smoke leaves his mouth and goes through the vent. Tyler comes to in about five minutes after the demon left his body and he asks why we are on the ground and how we got from one room to another without him remembering.

"You don't remember?"

"Remember what?"

"That's so weird, I wonder why you don't remember"

"Don't remember what!?"

"Nothing, nevermind"

I go around the house and open all the curtains, I find the missing cup and put it back in the cupboard. I walk up to the front door and tell Tyler he should go. Mom is going to be getting home soon and I have to clean some stuff up now so she doesn't ask questions.

I wake up to mom sitting on my bed trying to wake me up, she tells me I was screaming in my sleep 

I can't fall back asleep. I just lay there thinking about the demon and ghosts and all this crazy stuff going on in my life and by the time I realize it, it's 6:30 and I have to start getting ready.

I go downstairs to get some coffee before leaving for school. In pouring my coffee in my travel mug and mom asks me what I was dreaming of last night and I play it off like I don't remember her even waking me up let alone what I was dreaming.

Tyler comes up to me and starts talking to me when I get to school but all I can think about is the what happened at my house with Tyler and he realizes I'm not listening to him and he starts talking about how he hooked up one of his teachers and that snapped me back into reality.

"This isn't some Pretty Little Liars or Riverdale shit Ty. You can't sleep with your teachers!"

"Finally she's back, trust me I know I only said that cause I realized you weren't listening to me before"

"Right, sorry I just have a lot on my mind right now"

"What's going on?"

"Nothing, don't worry about it" and I walked away

He caught up to me but I wasn't talking and we walked in silence to class. I didn't really talk to him at all in fact I was so freaked out and worried about everything that I couldn't even concentrate in photography class. I got up in the middle of class went to my locker got my stuff and left. I got home and mom asked me why I was home.

"I don't feel that well"

"Is it the lain again is it back?"

"No its not. I just don't feel good I'm gonna go lay down for a bit try and get some seep"

"Okay, do you want some tea or something?"

"No I'm okay. Thanks though"

As I lay down my mind doesn't stop  tracing everything that has happened since I moved here. My life has become crazy as if I'm in a movie and I don't know what to do about it. I need help and I can't talk to mom or Ty about it.

Two hours go by and I'm being woken up by Tyler.

"What are you doing here?"

"Your mom let me in. I was texting you all day. Why did you leave?"

"I know, I'm sorry. I just wasn't feeling good that's all I just came home and slept"

"You came home and slept?"

"Yeah. That's what I just said"

"Can you tell me something"

"What is it?"

"The last time I was here what happened because I keep having this messed up dream of me chasing you and being in one room and then another and I don't know if it was real or not. I mean it feels real but I don't know"

"Oh, well... Uhm"

I pause. How do you tell your best friend no sorry your only friend that he was possessed by a creepy she demon who has been terrorizing you for months. You don't that's how.

He kept saying my name and all I could here what the demon speaking even though it was just normal Tyler. He shakes me because I'm completely zoned out on thinking about this demon.

"What's going on with you? You won't walk to me. You don't answer your phone. Everytime we talk you zone out or run off, what's wrong"

"Nothings wrong Ty I'm just not feeling to hot right now I need to relax and stop talking about ghosts and demons"

"I talked about demons once today and I haven't talked about ghosts in a week. What's really going on?"

"Nothing I'm just sick"

"Yeah shes just sick Tyler. Why don't you come back tomorrow"

Tyler got up and left, he said he would text me; I nodded and he was gone. Mom comes and sits on my bed.

"You feeling better sweetie"

"A little"

"Well that's good, its more fun to bug you when your up to fighting me"

"Hahaha yeah I bet it is mom, what do you feel bad that I'm not feeling good so you have wait to bug me"

"Awe how cute. You can't tell the difference. Good to know"

I look at mom confused and then she smiles and I know.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2018 ⏰

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