Arranged Marriage <> Sons Of Anarchy.1.

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Chapter One.

Olive's pov

"Ma, Dad I'm home." I yelled throwing my keys on the counter. I'm 25 years old and if your wonder why I'm still living with them. Well my Ma is sick and my dad works all day long. I grabbed a beer as my Ma called for me to come to the living room. I grumbled and walked into the living room to see a lot of bikers. I was in my work uniform still and my hair was messy. I had oil all over my clothes and hands.

"Um?" I said confused and my leg was tackled. I looked down to see my niece. Her mom died and I was given custody.

"Dahlia your supposed to be in bed." I said even more confused.

"Papa mean!" She cried and I looked at him and he went wide eyed.

"I swear to God if she has one fucking mark on her body I'll fucking kill you." I growled and he shook his head no. I took her to her room and check for bruises. I found two on her wrists. I got her to bed and walked downstairs.

"You have two seconds to explain now!" I yelled and Ma shrieked at my tone.

"Olive its not what it looks like." He said and I crossed my arms.

"Why the fuck she got bruises. I thought putting you in the hospital for beaten me you learned your fucking lesson!" I yelled and the bikers stood up.

"You need to calm your ass down shortie." The bald guy growled and I looked at him.

"And you need to sit the fuck down. I'm fucking sick and tired of you fucking men telling me what I gots to do." I growled and the other bikers looked shocked.

"I warned you dad I ain't playing. Get the fuck out before I change my mind." I growled and he scurried out of the house.

"Ma he hit you?" I asked and she kept quiet. That made me more angry as I went to go after him.

"Olive please don't make a scene. You don't need your 5th strike for murder." She coughed and I grabbed my bag and pulled out her inhaler. I shook it and gave her it.

"You've murdered before?" The blonde asked and I looked at Ma. She nodded and I ran a hand through my hair.

"First murder was because I was about to be ganged raped. Second murder was because my sister husband beating on her while pregnant with Dahlia. Third murder was another gang rape. Fourth and last murder was my ex boyfriend. I found him hitting my Ma." I said and they looked shocked.

"Where's Dahlia's mum?" The older looking guy with long hair asked.

"She died when Dahlia was a baby. Car crash. I got custody of her." I said and they said wow.

"I need a shower. Watch my Ma. If she has a coughing fit her inhaler will work." I said and Ma smiled. I went upstairs and grabbed clothes.

Happy's pov

"What are you sick with?" Chibs asked when Olive went upstairs. I still can't get over the way she talked to me.

"Stage 4 lung cancer. I got my good days and my bad days. Olive is working to get me into a home so I have all around time care." She said and we said wow.

"I may not be her birth mom but she still let's me treat her like she's my own. Olive never really had a good child hood. I when she got older I got hooked on drugs because of my husband. He became abusive. I got sober when I got pregnant when I had my daughter I raised her and Olive on my own. When I found out my husband started beating them he started beating me. He even forced me to shoot up. He shot me up with an 8 ball. When Olive turned 14 that's when her temper got worse and she out him in the hospital in critical condition. She went to Juvi for 5 years because he slipped into a coma. Juvi changed her into a strong young lady. Even though she got out at 19 she still stayed. My daughter Julia had gotten married at 18 and had a daughter at 19. Olive became over protective of Julia and Dahlia and I." She said and we were shocked.

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