Arranged Marriage <> Sons Of Anarchy.5

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Chapter Five.

Alison Lowman above.

Olive's pov

Stahl showed up I hugged my niece and she smiled letting only one tear fall. Happy hugged her and she went to Gemma. Tara and Lyla hugged me I went and joined the guys in the circle.

"Boys be careful with her. She's pregnant." Stahl said and they nodded. All the guys except Happy and Tig looked shocked.

"Surprise." I said and they laughed. I was cuffed along with the guys and I was out in the van with the guys. 10 months in protection cell block and and 4 months out in the general population.

"So what do you thing the baby will be?" Happy asked and I looked up.

"I'm hoping a boy." I said and he chuckled.

"Any names?" Jax asked and I shrugged.

"I was thinking Rosita Jane for a girl and Lupe Cesar for a boy. But than I was like that's to much of a Hispanic family. Your mom gave me a list of names and I liked Alison Jamie for a girl and Dylan Jay for a boy." I said and Happy smiled.

"I like the second girl name and the first boy name." He said and I giggled.

"Okay than its settled. Alison Jamie for a girl and Lupe Cesar for a boy." I said and they laughed. We heard motorcycle horns and they started laughing creeping me out.

"Don't want to know but y'all are creeping me the hell out, man." I said and they laughed more. I groaned and threw my head back. The boys got dropped off at the male Stockton prison and I was taken to the female Stockton prison.


I let out a ear piercing scream and my cell mate yelled for a guard. Its been 9 months. I saw the water and the guard opened the door with the doctor. I was taken to the hospital. Stockton hospital. Gemma cane in through the door and she gasped when she saw me. She rushed over to me and talked me through it and the doctor came in and I delivered my baby.

"Its a girl." The nurse said and I blacked out.

Happy's pov

I was out of prison and I went straight to St Thomas to see my old lady. After she gave birth she slipped into a coma. She spent the rest of her time in the prison ward in St Thomas. I asked the lady at the desk.

"They are running some tests. She woke up last night. She's been in and out all morning. I'll come get you when you can see her." She said and I nodded and went to the little waiting room. My phone rang and I answered.


"How is she?"

"She woke up last night. They are running tests. She's been in and out all morning."

"We are on our way."

"Okay." I said and hung up. The guys got here and we've waited hours. Gemma went to see what was taking so long. She came back laughing.

"She knocked her doctor on his ass for saying her Tattoos were trash." She laughed and I shook my head.

"Happy Lowman?" A doctor asked and I got up.

"She's ready to see you." He said and he took me to see her. I pushed opened the door and she looked up and smiled.

"Hey baby. Doctor said I can leave tomorrow." She said and I smiled and sat down.

"Ready to meet Alison?" I asked and she nodded happily and I shot Jax a text. Gemma and Lyla walked in with Dahlia and Alison.

"Tía!" Dahlia squealed and ran over to her. Olive picked her up and hugged her. Gemma gave me Alison and I kissed my daughter on the head and Olive looked at Alison in Awe.

"She looks like you." I said and handed her over to her.

"She's perfect." Olive said as Dahlia climbed onto my lap.

Jackson's pov

I was watching Alison and Dahlia at Happy and Olive's house as Happy went to pick up Olive.

Olive's pov

18 years later

"AJ!" My second son Lupe yelled and I heard her groaning from her room in the basement. She turned 18 last night so we let her get drunk with her dad and the guys. Happy brought her home passed out. Dahlia is 24 and she's in Tacoma in college. Lupe is 16 Dylan is 14 and Rosita is 10. The youngest it Arabella who is 6. Happy walked in and kissed me and Arabella on the head.

"The fuck you yell for?" AJ grunted and Lupe and Dylan snickered and ran into the kitchen. She so much like her papi. AJ walked in and glared at the boys. Rosita hugged her big sisters waist.

"Hey princesa." She muttered kissed her head.

"Papi can I hang with Thomas today?" AJ asked and he kissed her head.

"At the club house." We both said and she giggled.

"Fine by me I got the after noon shift at TM anyways." She said and I gave ger plate and kissed her head.

"I have to get ready." I said and kissed my kiss on the head than kissed Happy and went up to our room to get ready.

Alison's pov

I went to my room and got ready to go to work. 

I walked upstairs and Thomas walked in

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I walked upstairs and Thomas walked in.

"Hey short stack, you ready?" He asked and I said yeah hang on. I went to the kitchen and kissed my papi on the head along with my younger siblings. I grabbed my bike keys and we left.

The end.

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