Chapter 2 Spirit Animal

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At three-years-old , Suri said it was time for Cana to choose the totem necklace that spoke to her most.

They prepared a feast to celebrate the event. Muna, Suri, and Tobias took Cana to the cave of gifts where she would choose the spirit animal that called out to her.

At first  Cana wandered around looking at the green glowing gems when suddenly she heard the whisper of her ancestors call out to her.

"Cana," They whispered. "Come toward the wolves, they're your family. Come to them and they will become a part of you. For you are the moon child of the land outside the village called the land of Alda. "

Cana walked to the glowing gems of blue until she came to a stop at the cave wall where there was a drawing of a pack of six wolves together someone etched into the cave wall.

"I am a wolf," Said Cana.

Suri had Muna's friend Nova make the wolf necklace for Cana. It took two days to make. It was a pretty white wolf head with ocean marble blue eyes, turquoise colored gem in the middle of the forehead, turquoise dots for the eyebrows that curved and turquoise and white diamond jewel pieces hanging from the head. She put it on black string and presented it to her the night of the feast.

A blue light aura formed around Cana for five seconds when the necklace was placed around her neck.

"Cana," Said Tobias.

She turned around. "Yes, daddy?"

He turned around and bent down to pick something up and when he turned back around he revealed a small saw tooth pup, a tan wolf with dark brown eyes.

Cana gasped. "Puppy! " She shrieked and hugged Tobias's legs.

Tobias set the saw tooth pup down next to her. Cana pet the little pup and it licked her hand.

"What are you going to name him?" Muna asked as she stumbled across them.

Cana shrugged. "I don't know."

Muna decided to name him. "How about Percy?"

Cana shook her head. "No."

Muna laughed. "Okay, how about Hershey?"



Cana smiled. "Yes."

Muna grinned. "All right! Elias it is then."

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