Chapter 18

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After heading to the town centre, the first shop that Hinata saw was a sport shop. A JW (I changed the actual sport shop name for copyright ^^)sports shop. It was this shop that you'd been stuck in for at least ten minutes.

"Come on, Hinata! I'll get you some trainers and some other things but, we need to get you casual clothes aswell."

"OK. Can I get these then?" Hinata pointed to a white and red pair of trainers. You nodded your approval and HInata jogged over to the cash register with the pair in his hands.

"Are they definitely your size?" Hinata stopped, looked down and ran back to get a different pair. Smiling sheepishly at you, he met up with you at the counter.

After purchasing his chosen item, you both headed out to other clothes shops like Peacocks. Hinata tried on multitudes of clothes but mainly stuck to hoodies, jeans and short sleeved t-shirts. You had prompted him to buy a certain t-shirt. It was black and had the white out-line of two people with strange hair with an X behind them and a red diamond in the middle. It was a Hunter X Hunter shirt and Hinata had no idea. At one point you had even managed to convince him to put clips in his hair. The image was permanently imprinted in your mind, you had almost lost your soul to the pure sight.

Heading home, you both had to carry a couple of bags.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to spend so much."

"No, it's fine, I encouraged you to keep getting stuff. I don't want you to run out of clothes before we wash them."

"I guess, yeah. I still feel kinda bad though."

"Don't be~" You encouraged him to talk about something else and he quickly perked up. Excited chatter filled the rest of the walk. The topics ranged from anime to heated discussions on what exact colour Hinata's hair could be.


"Orange peel?" 

"Atomic orange?" 



"You know, I think orange peel is closest."

"Same here." 

By the time you reached the house, you were both exhausted and collapsed on the couch, bags still in your hands. (Friend 1) passed by and handed you both cups of water.

"Thanks." You both murmured, eyelids heavy and drooping. You were dreading school, the next day so you tried your best to stay awake, the longer you are awake, the further away tomorrow seems. Jumping up, you clap your hands and pat Hinata's knees.

"Come on, we should put these clothes away."

"Ehhhhhh..." He whines, trying to roll over on the couch.

"Come on, or I'll drag you by your foot." Hinata laughs and stands up, although bregrudgingly.

"Who knew shopping could tire me out..."

"I know, I wasn't expecting it either." You chat as you trudge up the stairs. Faintly, you can hear the sounds of Danganronpa from (Friend 2)'s room. You smile, they finally got into then. Hinata gets to the guest room before you do and holds the door open for you.

"Thank you~" You tease. Hinata turns a bit pink. Using some spare coat hangers, the clothes are hung up and you feel proud, a bit like a mother.

"Aw look at you, a full wardrobe~ How sweet~" You grab his cheeks and Hinata has to fight to stop the fainting sensation, so he freezes again instead, not sure what to do. You giggle and step back.

"Just teasing."

"Stop being cute please..." Hinata begs in his mind. Thank God he didn't say it out loud, right? Haha. Oh.


You're blushing.

Oh, oh no.


"What did you say?" YOU DIDN'T HEAR HIM. Hinata thanks every God he can think of.

"You didn't hear?" 

"I think I might have misheard you. Well, whatever..." You cough into your hand, the atmosphere is suddenly awkward and you are filled with a bit of energy.

"Well! Anyway I'm gonna go see if I can help with dinner... See you in a bit." 

"Uh, yeah , see you soon." You smile at him as you make your way to the door and shut it behind you. 

Hinata is left with his thoughts. You just seemed to keep getting cuter. He was a bit intimidated by your cousin though. He reminded Hinata of the guys he would run into at the bathroom all the time. Hinata shifted through the clothes you had bought together and found some of them smelled a bit like you. I found it a bit creepy that he enjoyed how you smelled but this was normal for someone who had a crush, right? Maybe? He didn't really know. All he knew what that he wasn't going to be a creep about it. He'd heard that sometimes to keep a smell on clothing, some weird men put the clothes in a plastic bag and tied it up so the smell couldn't escape. He wasn't going to ever be doing that. You smelled good though, that's the point he was trying to make. He decided to change as he realised he had yet to change out of his uniform. He picked out a pair of beige cargo shorts, a white shirt and a light green zip up hoodie.

He also tried on his new trainers and wiggled his feet about for a bit. Of course, he took them off before leaving the room, he knew it was a rule not to wear shoes in the house and instead slips on some white ankle socks. He wiggles his toes. He smiles to himself, glad he managed to meet you. Of course there was always that nagging sadness in the back of his mind that he had been replaced, wasn't needed and couldn't go back home. For now though he was going to make the most out of his time with you. 

Possibly maybe even try to tell you how he feels!


Word Count: 992

Longer chapter this time 'cause I haven't updated in a lifetime... '~' sorry I've been really busy with exams, I had a major health scare where I was told it was possible that I only had two months to live, got told they were wrong and then nearly died from using sun cream (I'm allergic to all sun screens and Nivea products... and kiwi actually...). I just thought I'd let you all know, I know it doesn't excuse how long I was gone, I apologise :') Love ya guys (Also could someone suggest some animes for me? Thank)  

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