1: Superdrug

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    I walked into my favourite shop in the world, Superdrug, and wandered down towards the hair products. I always wanted to be a model when I grew up – regardless to the constant threat on my life – what with my pale-ish skin (not vampire pale), and blonde hair, but unfortunately for me that dream was shattered when I first changed. But a girl can dream. Ooo. Two for £4 on Aussie conditioners. I couldn’t decide which two to buy, anti-frizz, smooth and shine or miracle moist –

    I felt its mind before I saw it. Vampire. And judging by her thirst for blood, a young one at that. I got a good look into her vicious plans before my eldest brother Luke silenced it forever. The ONLY way to kill a vampire is if a wolf (doesn’t matter if in wolf or human form) bites them. Quite hard to get into the position to leap at their bare skin, especially since most of them try to cover up as much flesh (if you can call boiling hot, iron hard skin flesh). Our way to know if vampire is around is that we can see their thoughts. But unfortunately, some parasites have learnt a way to block us from their minds. This one hadn’t, thank god.

    I got to be really good friends with one who had. I remember so clearly the day when she came round and said she and her family were moving in up the road. She introduced herself as Miranda Campel. It wasn’t until after, that we found out that she was really Ingrid Dracula, the daughter of the murderer of most our kind, I hate her. I was six years old and already one of the last two female werewolves – my mum being the other – she had a plot to kill both of us and my two month old sister Katie (in case she changed) in one night, and kill anyone else who got in her way. She probably would have succeeded if we hadn’t had one of the oldest members of the tribe (my grandfather), round for dinner. He came into the living room where we were playing. He sensed her thoughts instantly, and killed her. He saved a lot of lives that night. Ingrid was definitely an extremely powerful, clever parasite.

    “You really need to be more alert Eliza.” Ethan lectured me.

    “For the zillionth time, it’s El or Ellie, not Eliza” I sauntered over toward the counter with the anti-frizz and miracle moist conditioner.

    Almost there, I stopped opposite the eye-shadows and was about to pick up a lovely shade of purple, when they all, in unison yelled “ELIZA!”

    “I’m not liste–” But the vampire was on me. I’d been too caught up in my own selfish thoughts; I hadn’t noticed the thoughts in my head that weren’t mine. When it was about to bite my neck, Murphy sprang at it taking it by surprise, he got it off, then started to fight the disgusting parasite.

    I didn’t know what to do. But as if Luke could read my thoughts, he told me to go tell the elders to hold an emergency meeting, and to send backup because we could faintly hear the thoughts of several other vampires. I was in action in seconds. The first thing I had to do was get out of here. I picked up speed and ran in top-speed home. The next thing I did was told my Dad and the others that were in my house what was happening. Then I ran round the elders’ houses and told them what Luke needed them to do. They complied. OK I’d told everyone and they were sending backup, the only thing left for me to do was to get back to town and do my bit.

    As I passed my house, my dad had to grab the collar of my shirt to drag me back. “No El, it’s too dangerous for you to be there. It’s too similar to what happened to your mother.” Even if I didn’t know this was a touchy subject for all of us, I would definitely have not dwelt on that subject.

    “OK Daddy.” I hate lying but this was just one of the times where a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do. I slowly started to make my way toward my front-door, but as soon as my dad was out of sight, I set off towards town–the other way to my Dad.

    I heard a shriek after shriek of pain, not sure whether vampiric or not, I hoped it was the latter.

    I got up close and oh no. A vampire who, had done quite well up until this point at hiding his thoughts, was waiting to ambush me from behind.

I turned round to attack him, but he wasn’t there. Eh? Where was he? I was answered by the impact of him leaping onto my back, his fangs, touching, but not piercing my skin.

    “El, what are you doing here?” It was my dad. “I thought you said you’d stay put.”

    “I did say that.” My dad lunged. Too late. The vampire’s venom didn’t get into my blood-stream via the fangs, it was via the claws. “AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!” I screamed in agony, as the fire burnt every part of my existence. And then...


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