4: Discovering the Unknown

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    “Yes, vanished. Disappeared. Gone. Poof.” It felt to me like I was stating the obvious.

    “Meaning?” Dad can be so stupid at times.

    “Meaning, I no longer have him in my line of sight.”

    “Oh.” Moments after he’d said that we heard someone throwing up in the toilets. Even though the mess in the toilets probably wasn’t pretty I still wanted to go investigate, but Ethan and I had to stay put for obvious reasons while everyone else went.

     “MURPHY!” Someone yelled from the bathroom. Oh no. That was bad. Ethan and I exchanged worried glances.

    About 10 minutes later, Dad came through with an unconscious Murphy in his arms followed closely by Jakob and Lewis and Jack.

    “What happened?” I asked as soon as they had laid him on the bed next to me.

    “When we got there Murphy was there, lying on the floor, evidently in pain. This,” he held up a knife smeared with blood, “was in his hand. Then he passed out.”

    “Do you know if he’ll be ok?”  I knew Murphy was probably fine, but still he was my brother and had saved my life on countless occasions.

    “He will, after all he is related to you.” Even I cracked a small smile at that.      Meanwhile, Jakob had taken off Murphy’s shirt. When it was off, everyone gasped. Because hidden under his shirt was a pool of blood.

    “Why would he do something like this?” I asked no one in particular.

    “I don’t know Ellie.” It was Ethan. He was closest to Murphy, followed by me. He was obviously distressed. “He told me everything, why not this?”

    “Maybe he thought you had enough to deal with, without his problems.” Jakob answered.

    “Oh Murphy...” Dad’s voice, had so much feeling in those two words, it was unreal.

    My family’s a wreck; motherless, dead vampire brother, two other dead brothers (Daniel and Clyde, he died when I was five years old) a depressed, suicidal brother, and me being attacked by vampires left, right and centre. This cannot go on. I can’t keep letting my family endanger their lives for mine. But how do I do it? I’m not going to kill myself; I couldn’t do that to the tribe. But I could, maybe, runaway. But again, I faced with the same question; how? I wasn’t exactly in a fit shape to go anywhere let alone somewhere away from here.

    Maybe it was the trauma, maybe it was the blood, whatever the reason, I felt my spine send spasms down it, and I felt myself fall into a bottomless hole.

    “Eliza! Eliza!” I heard someone shout. Their voice seamed far away. “ELIZA!” My eyes shot open and focussed on Dad. “Oh, thank God,” he sighed.

    “What happened?” I thought I knew the answer, but I wanted to clarify.

    “You blacked out.” Yeah I kind of figured that out. “You tried to change.” Well, that was uncalled for.

    “What?!” That’s what I’d thought, I remembered the spasms that happened when I passed out, but it is – or should I say was – impossible to change inside, but then we’d thought we couldn’t turn vampire ‘til Luke. “How?”

     “We don’t know, but that’s what your body attempted to do.” Jakob answered the impossible question – that no one knew the answer to.

    I felt the shudders rock my body as it tried to shift again.

    And it succeeded...

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