5: Anomaly

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    As a wolf, you know who you are, you know not to hurt other were-wolves, and to kill vampires but, seeing as I was inside I think I might have wrecked a few things, largely thanks to the fact that I couldn’t put use my hind legs, and to move hurt my ribs.

    When I changed back, I was about 20 feet away from my family, so Dad had to run to catch me as I fell into deep water...

    I woke up back in the bed in between Ethan’s and Murphy’s, where they’d pumped sugar and liquids into me for a week, and no one was visible until a distant cousin of mine, Jay – he didn’t look good, his legs were curling in an unnaturally – was brought in by Jakob, his father and mine – all of whom looked miserable. As soon as they saw me, it looked like Christmas came early, their eyes filled with joy and happiness. After they’d treated Jay, they came over to me.

    “What happened? – To Jay I mean?” I asked uncertainty.

    “Luke.” Dad answered.

    “What? Luke? Luke’s dead!” I understood that he probably hadn’t got over my brothers’ deaths.

    “No. He’s not. He attacked Jay and me while I was taking him to school.” Jay’s dad explained.

    “What?” I repeated.

    “We believe that Luke, is immortal.” Seeing the look on my face he amended that statement, “I mean, he can’t die, at all.”

    “What?” I said again.

    “He can’t die.”

    “What?” for the fourth time in the past 2 minutes.

    “Does that really matter at the moment Ellie?” questioned my dad impatiently, “what matters now is that you’re alive and OK.”

    “What did I do?” I looked around – I think I wrecked a few things.

    “You hurt Ethan.” My father said with caution. That, I didn’t remember.

    “What?” I asked AGAIN, “How?”

    “ In your desperate attempt to get your hind-legs on the floor, you kicked him in the hip,” his voice betrayed that I’d done a bit more than just kicked him.

    “Did I ....” I couldn’t say it, it was too horrid.

    “Yes, but your family is made of hard stuff, he’ll live.” Jay’s father supplied the answer. We lapsed into silence.

    “Did I do anything else?” I broke the silence.

    “Apart from trashing some beds and drips, no.” Jakob replied.


    “Everyone really missed you.” Dad said.

    “Where are they now?”

    “They’re helping the elders check that Luke’s gone.” Dad told me.

    “And he is.” We all looked up at the new voice, it was Lewis.

    “Good.” I said.

    “You OK El?” 

    “Yeah, I’m fine. You?”

    “Fine.” There was something in his voice that put my teeth on edge, I’m not sure what.

    “Where’s Jack?” I asked, seeing as they were hardly ever apart.

Wolf-Girl: Changing (On Hold)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora