Demonstuck, Jake has an addiction to Dirk's blood.

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Jake looked at the floor of his room ignoring the pain in the back of his mind from not drinking the sickeningly sweet blood of Dirk. Describing the taste of his blood is so hard, Jake has tried before to explain it; but the words seem to leave him. Jake has tasted sweet blood, angel blood is the sweetest thing, and AB+ blood seems to be one of his favorites but Dirk's doesn't taste like that. He wishes almost every day to go back to that, go back to his fangs tearing through Dirk's pale flesh drinking up the sweet blood from Dirk. Yet he can't, the addiction is strong, and if he drinks everytime he wants to; Dirk would die. Jake flops on the bed hoping the headache leaves him and hoping that no one will head in and bother him today. Yesterday when someone bothered him, his powers reacted and he broke their arm. Not that he feels bad about it, he just doesn't want to deal with an E.R trip.

After about 10 more minutes of self loathing he finally gets up, knowing that he should get ready for the trip to the one person he shouldn't see with this addiction. But his addiction, and his body are taking two different turns. Dirk's blood is his addiction what his mind is trying to turn away from, but his heat...only wants Dirk. He feels like he might scream for doing this and in fact after he told Dirk he wanted to go to his place during his heat, he DID scream. He grabs one of his hiking bags and shoves in clothes for a week and lotion zipping up his bag after just to not think about what will happen. He puts his head on the bag, to avoid the light. Eventually he lifts his head up and unzips the bag shoving in a few of his comic books, other type books, and his double pistols. After packing he throws the bag across the room again, it lands on the pile of guns.

Jake falls to the bed once more his head screaming he's done too much, he knows that

he could easily fix this by taking some blood from the fridge and drink it and it will go down a bit, but he only wanted Strider's blood. Jake turns to face the wall, the posters looking back at him and he just turns so he is being suffocated in the pillow. He sighs and has to lift his face up to breathe once more. Jake looks towards the door of his room and stands up finally walking out of the small area he cooped himself up in.

He heads out to the kitchen turning off the lights as he walks so that he doesn't have to deal with the light when he heads back. When he finally reaches the fridge and opens it the light burning in Jake's retinas and he wishes his glasses could turn into shades. He pulls out a bag of AB+ blood and he rips the bag open with his teeth making a hole in the bag and he gulps it down as fast as he can, his blood dulling down his migraine the normally sweet liquid tasting nothing like how he used to remember it but he drinks it anyway.

After drinking the blood he walks back to his room the sudden remembrance of Dirk's blood and when he first tasted it rushes back to him and his face flushes. The world around him melts and he's lost in the memory of that sweet liquid running down his throat and Jake bites his lip tightly to keep from moaning out in pure pleasure of the memory. Jake leans on the wall trying to calm down.

Jake wakes up, looking down at his bed realizing he fell asleep he moves the sheets and realizes what happened. His face flushes immediately as he feels the wet sheets and his wet shorts. He had, had a wet dream...about Strider's blood. He moves the sheets away from him and strips off his shorts and his boxers changing clothes and shoving the dirty clothes into the pile of clothes. After setting all the close in the pile he looks at the time, 8:27am, he slept in. He grabs his bag sighing and he walks to his jeep throwing the bag in the backseat and driving to Dirk's place.

The drive to the Incubus's house was, uneventful, boring, and all around forgetful, Jake thought as he walked up to Dirk's front door to the new house. The new house much like the drive was nothing special, but the two people who lived in it where. Dirk was as old as Jake was which is saying something, but his face and body would never show that. He had nice well kept blonde hair which even when not styled was amazingly sexy to Jake, although he made fun of it often. Jake also found it amazing how even though he, himself had a tan from forever being outside, Dirk was pale which complimented everything in contrast of his dark jeans and dark shades; Or Jake was horribly horribly in love and nothing Dirk could do would be unsexy to him...Jake prefered to assume the former. Dave of course matched Dirk's coloring but was too young, and just not Jake's type; Nor was Jake, Dave's type. Dave prefered John which was fine with Jake, he didn't need to deal with two people liking him. He would never be able to decide unless one backed out.

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